I honestly HATE going into work. I work on the front end at one of the biggest stores on the east coast. My manager ALWAYS has me cleaning bathrooms, most times for 2+ hours. The front end supervisor NEVER has anything nice to say to any of the other people on the front. I have been working here for almost 2 years and never once gotten a compliment on anything. My manager has called over the intercom to have someone else sweep because I was sweeping the wrong way!?! Wtf does that even mean! I had one of the co managers come up and tell me that only all of the people who work on the front end are trash and dumb. Who says that!? Especially to someone who works on the front end! I am in highschool and I get phone calls ALL the time asking for me to cover shifts during the school day. I have been working at this store for almost 2 years and they still dont know that I am in school! I dont know how much more I can take! It kills me that a company that prides itself in customer service and being the best in the market thinks so little of its employees.
Did you take 30+ minutes to do the sweep? You will get written up if you do it too fast!!
lol, you were probably starting at the wrong end of the store. I get ocd like that too sometimes so all I can do is laugh about it...
Here's a compliment: Your writing and grammar skills are very good.
To me, that means you are not an idiot. You will do well in life and go much further than kroger where you are at now. But, you have to do what you have to do to get there. Go in and do your job to the best of your abilities. No matter how bad the manager attitudes are, smile and always stay happy. Don't argue and don't complain. You will be the winner in that struggle when it is all said and done.
If you HATE going into work the best thing to do is put in your two weeks notice now before you get fired for something stupid or no reason at all. And ruin your resume/work history and most important unemployment if needed until you find another job. No pay if fired. Its not worth it.
If you HATE going into work the best thing to do is put in your two weeks notice now before you get fired for something stupid or no reason at all. And ruin your resume/work history and most important unemployment if needed until you find another job. No pay if fired. Its not worth it.
If he's in HS he's likely living with his parents so who cares. Just be like all my friends bouncing from one job to the next and staying with their parents till they got their crap together. I stayed with my mom AND stayed working for kroger though, that would be the smartest move.
Try not to get emotionally involved with so much, I know it's hard at your age..I did the same thing and it burnt me out and I ended up leaving. Don't do that, do what 2nd poster suggested and I agree you can do bigger things in life too but for now pay your dues.