.... Not just me, but there are several of us suffering!
I am a FES at 689, and we are right now doing great on the hunger bags, # 1 in district 7, (just had to get that in, sorry) but there is a consequense of us working so hard, and it's one that has not been taken into consideration.
This store had to of been built back in the days when no one shopped with a huge basket, as we don't have any belts on the big lanes.
Me, along with some of my cashiers are sufferring from pain in our shoulders, which I think is caused from us having to reach for the heavy stuff, especially those baskets that have a top and a bottom.
What I am wondering is, who do I call to bring this concern to someone who can fix it?
This is not a kroger sponsoered site so I recommend not giving too much identifying info about yourself.
You should suggest it to your store manager and ask if there is any plans to remodel soon. I am sure the store manager could make it happen if they were so inclined.
Ah, yes, I remember the old days shopping with my mother at HEB in San Antonio. We would shop with an old style cart. I can't remember if the front flipped open or if the cart went thru the checkstand and the cashier was able to easily pick groceries directly out of cart... The bagger would bag the groceries and place them in a tall dolly type cart and take the groceries to our car. That was customer service back then.