I was reading the employee handbook, and it says you need management approval to bring cameras in the store. Does this include the parking lot? I have two security cameras built into my car, and I am wondering if need to let management know.
I was reading the employee handbook, and it says you need management approval to bring cameras in the store. Does this include the parking lot? I have two security cameras built into my car, and I am wondering if need to let management know.
Nope. What you do with your car and within it is solely your business. As long as you're not using it to discreetly record other people, etc and only use it for its intended purpose (security/deterrent).
A coworker of mine has a dashboard camera and nothing's ever came up regarding that. You'd have to have a severely paranoid management staff or someone who's out to get you if they'll make a fuss over a camera inside a car.