I rely on rides to get to work. I have my license but do not own my own car. The roads are really bad today because of a storm last night and my ride says that if they don't get better he can't take me to work. I am still technically on my probationary period (will be through it in a week or two). If I have to call in because I can't make it, will they fire me?
I thought people were joking when they said working for Kroger sucks...
It depends upon how big of an a$$hole your manager is. Most normal people understand that certain things happen to keep you from reporting to work e.g. sickness, family emergency, etc. At my store, they only let probationary people go if their absences become excessive.
At my store atleast, the managers would not fire you.
I can't say what your managers will do. I figure if you are a decent worker, always on time, work over when needed, never call in, they should cut you some slack. You worrying about being fired over something out of your control means you are serious about your job to me.
If I lived near you, I would give you a ride if I was able to. I am NE of Detroit.
They have the roads mostly cleared here. Now, I am waiting for my nephew to clear the driveway so I can get to the road.
Wow you're a veteran poster already. They should let you go for causing all that trouble for not wanting to clean a simple grinder.
Yeah actually update on that. They agreed with me that the grinder is the responsibility of whoever used it. Cutter got written up. So lazy asses like you may actually start getting in trouble for not doing your own jobs. Watch out!
I thought people were joking when they said working for Kroger sucks...
I got people who seem to call off every other day and not get fired. Then again, our store seems to be desperate in retaining people. Despite the "revolving door" many people talk about, no one seems to want to work at the minimum wage job at Kroger. Then again, almost everyone has to start at the bagger position for at least a week. Lots of potential hires come in and hear the word "bagger" then high-tail it out of there. Then when we finally do hire somebody, there's a really high chance they'll fail the drug test or simply can't do the job.
Anyhow, to make a long story short, it depends on how desperate your store is, if management likes you/if you're a good worker, and luck. Just hope it's not a really busy day that you have to call-off.
I worked a night and who ever cut logged it cleaned and I cleaned it. It works both ways because tomorrow I cut and he closes. I will say this it's up to your head meat cutter. If he says log it and clean it do it. Log it and have the night people clean it do it.
I got people who seem to call off every other day and not get fired. Then again, our store seems to be desperate in retaining people. Despite the "revolving door" many people talk about, no one seems to want to work at the minimum wage job at Kroger. Then again, almost everyone has to start at the bagger position for at least a week. Lots of potential hires come in and hear the word "bagger" then high-tail it out of there. Then when we finally do hire somebody, there's a really high chance they'll fail the drug test or simply can't do the job.
Anyhow, to make a long story short, it depends on how desperate your store is, if management likes you/if you're a good worker, and luck. Just hope it's not a really busy day that you have to call-off.
I was hired through an in-store job fair and was sent directly to Grocery Clerk. Bounced around between Nutrition, Dairy, and Grocery. I periodically get called up front to help bag. Three months into my employment and I was trained to run a register (informally).
Next thing I new I've been moved to the front end because of some drama with the night crew resulted in one person taking my shifts in the afternoon/evening.
Ah well. The front end here is excellent. I'm assuming that bagger/cashier/utility experience will depend on your supervisor's attitude.