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Post Info TOPIC: Manager Firings [Mega Thread]

Big News

Company reducing business unit and number of store management positions. No more HR managers in stores. All managers being called in for scheduled meetings starting tomorrow. Guess is severance packages, retirement suggestion, etc. One would hope they would get rid of the dead weight and keep the good ones, but we know that isn't how Kroger works. Just a heads up, your going to have some extra stressed out managers the next couple of days.



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Anonymous wrote:

Company reducing business unit and number of store management positions. No more HR managers in stores. All managers being called in for scheduled meetings starting tomorrow. Guess is severance packages, retirement suggestion, etc. One would hope they would get rid of the dead weight and keep the good ones, but we know that isn't how Kroger works. Just a heads up, your going to have some extra stressed out managers the next couple of days.

 Can you give us some more concrete clues on where your info is coming from, so we don't assume you might be just trolling with the objective of getting everybody excited over nothing? Thanks! 



Conference call today with all Store Leaders and ASMs required to be on calls. I'm an HR ASM who probably won't have a job soon. You'll know in a few days that I'm not a troll. No one needs to reply to this until you get confirmation in your area. 



Anonymous wrote:

Company reducing business unit and number of store management positions. No more HR managers in stores. All managers being called in for scheduled meetings starting tomorrow. Guess is severance packages, retirement suggestion, etc. One would hope they would get rid of the dead weight and keep the good ones, but we know that isn't how Kroger works. Just a heads up, your going to have some extra stressed out managers the next couple of days.

 I can't imagine them getting rid of the HR manager.  Who's going to do the hiring?  Ours does a lot.  If you need any forms or things like hats or freezer gloves or anything needed to do your job, she's the one to go to.



I may have said it wrong (I'm a little stressed). Reducing number of managers in stores with no more OPS, HR, MERC titles. Managers who still have jobs will be expected to do all three roles. There are more changes but I need to talk with some of my co workers to make sure I heard everything right. 



Management sucks, so reducing them is a good thing.



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Yeah, all store managers apparently got called to a meeting today, with ASM's being put on conference calls. My store just had a comanager quit to go to another company, so one of my other co's was already telling us he wasn't expecting them to replace her with anyone.



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Does this apply to all divisions or just certain ones?



All divisions. 



Does this mean the people in corporate business units will replace managers in stores? I can't see them just getting fired. It would be a nightmare to work for them.



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Its funny, ASM "Co's" before were expected to do all the jobs. I guess "Roles & Responsibilities" is no longer a thing..... I think its funny, apparently the Divisions were informed of this Corp. decision months ago, but yet District positions filled and new ASM's hired?



Overheard bits and pieces of this from some of the department heads that were talking about it on the sales floor. One that's been with Kroger for years now says he thinks this is just the first of "many changes" Kroger is getting ready to make. More positions might get eliminated in the near future as a means of "trimming the fat" and "streamlining operations".

Sounds like Kroger has caught a glimpse of the very big iceberg that was once off in the distance but is getting alarmingly close.

Should make for an even happier holiday season than usual at Kroger, right folks!?



The coordinators are the positions to eliminate. All of them are useless.


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No districts are to be more than 15 stores. Atlanta division is adding three districts. District staff is cut to four people




"The coordinators are the positions to eliminate. All of them are useless."

 Hate to tell you this but some of those coordinators will become store leaders. Some store leaders will get option of getting bumped down to ASM. Some ASM's will get offered department manager positions. 



Anonymous wrote:

The coordinators are the positions to eliminate. All of them are useless.

I thought that was happening as well? Didn't some people say that in some stores, coordinators have been popping in and out to see if they could see themselves working there; essentially scoping out the most "desirable" positions?

People are gonna be after one another's jobs, it seems. I know people in my division that were promoted from store manager to a district office position but were moved back into the store manager position because Kroger is short on managers; very few people want to take a salaried management position with the company (gee, I wonder why) so Kroger has been needing to bump people back down. Maybe that's part of the reason a number of salaried positions are getting cut all together; they're hard if not impossible to fill.

Rodney and the rest of the overpaid empty suits don't seem to be getting the message that things aren't going well; regardless of whether it's HOURLY or SALARY people spelling it out for them.




"People are gonna be after one another's jobs, it seems. I know people in my division that were promoted from store manager to a district office position but were moved back into the store manager position because Kroger is short on managers; very few people want to take a salaried management position with the company (gee, I wonder why) so Kroger has been needing to bump people back down. Maybe that's part of the reason a number of salaried positions are getting cut all together; they're hard if not impossible to fill."

NO, NO, NO. The main corporate business units have known about this for months. The lower level business unit people have known their positions are going to be cut for a month or so. As Store Leader positions have become open within the last few weeks, coordinators have been applying. Regardless of the other people applying for these positions and their experience, the coordinators have been getting the in store positions. Kroger is not short on managers. They have had problems keeping new managers (as well a lot of new employees) but it has nothing to do with a shortage of managers. It's not that they are hard or impossible to fill, they can and are being filled. People are always looking for employment. 

Get ready for your next overlords. It might be private equity or it might be another country, but it is happening. It won't be immediate, but Rodney and his crew are figuring out how to dump the company and make a whole lot of money while doing so. 



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Does anyone know what the big meeting was about yet?

Apparently another Cincy d1 store manager got fired today.

Big things are happening and i'm wondering how long it'll be before it trickles down to co's, clicklist supervisors, and department heads...



Not for sure what you mean by big meeting. In our division every store and co manager has to attend a one on one meeting starting today. Warned not to be late for or arrive earlier than ten minutes before meeting. Meetings expected to be concluded on Friday. People will either "retire" after meeting, be fired, or told which store they will be working at. My meeting is tomorrow. 



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Oof. ok, i had just assumed it was one big meeting for store managers.

But yeah, they're cleaning house in my district at least. It's sad how they are treating store managers really. Most of them are just as fed up with corporate as the rest of us.



Will this effect department heads too? (I'm not sure if department heads are managers or not.)



Im sure it will, some might get bumped out of their position not sure about union stores or how that will work



Anonymous wrote:

"People are gonna be after one another's jobs, it seems. I know people in my division that were promoted from store manager to a district office position but were moved back into the store manager position because Kroger is short on managers; very few people want to take a salaried management position with the company (gee, I wonder why) so Kroger has been needing to bump people back down. Maybe that's part of the reason a number of salaried positions are getting cut all together; they're hard if not impossible to fill."

NO, NO, NO. The main corporate business units have known about this for months. The lower level business unit people have known their positions are going to be cut for a month or so. As Store Leader positions have become open within the last few weeks, coordinators have been applying. Regardless of the other people applying for these positions and their experience, the coordinators have been getting the in store positions. Kroger is not short on managers. They have had problems keeping new managers (as well a lot of new employees) but it has nothing to do with a shortage of managers. It's not that they are hard or impossible to fill, they can and are being filled. People are always looking for employment. 

Get ready for your next overlords. It might be private equity or it might be another country, but it is happening. It won't be immediate, but Rodney and his crew are figuring out how to dump the company and make a whole lot of money while doing so. 

Yes, at least in Southwest Division, there's a shortage of store managers and co-managers. Previously promoted store managers have been moved BACK into stores because there aren't ENOUGH store managers. The MD-1 training program has considerably fewer applications coming in vs. years ago and the people that do agree to go into the program now get fast tracked in order to get them into stores ASAP because, again, stores (even million dollar high volume ones) haven't had enough co's for some time now (one of the MANY things my previous store manager complained of and something he brought up to the district managers on more than one occasion).



Wow, reading that "other" site and it's amazing what is going on.



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Anonymous wrote:

Wow, reading that "other" site and it's amazing what is going on.

 Yep. Holy crap. Police escorts and NDA's with requirements to never enter the store again...brutal.



What is the "other" site?



The high salary and those not 1000% into the Kroger way are the ones likely to get canned.



Anonymous wrote:

What is the "other" site?



Kroger just draining the swamp

Maybe we can get some real leadership in our stores.  


RE: Big News

Today was just day one of firings. They have known this was going to happen and who was going to be fired, moved,  and "retire" and the stores still need to run. So, the order that people were getting their one on one meetings has been staggered. As of now, meetings are expected to be finished by Thursday evening or Friday morning and people keeping jobs move to new stores on Friday. People fired today will just not be there tomorrow. People fired tomorrow not there, etc. Won't really know the total number until probably Friday or Saturday.

Number of managers in stores is based on sales. Some stores will only have Store Leader and one ASM, some will have two ASM's. Some changes will be good. No more corporate business people showing up whenever they want and doing those stupid constant walks where everyone (managers and employees) just get made feel like their crap. One visit per month (or so they say). They are still trying to figure out the new business model and lot's of info to come but right now overwhelmed with the one on ones. 

I always feel bad for the people losing their jobs. Especially these blindsided things and I really feel bad for the people who have to wait for the last day to see if they are still employed. Everyone in management is scared right now. 



RE: Kroger just draining the swamp

It can start at the TOP-Rodney must GO!


RE: Big News

So are they getting rid of all HR managers in the stores? Why can't the actual store manager take over this responsibility?



I've been hearing a little of this and a little of that and I think everyone was stunned...No one really seems to know what is going on, though, although it must be something big, from what I hear...



So I saw these...

Interesting times, indeed, though...

I'm sure there will be more news to come...



Fired Kroger managers being told not to talk if they want to keep their retirement/severance

It's getting deep in here



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Posts: 1152

Anonymous wrote:

It's getting deep in here


-- Edited by i386 on Thursday 3rd of October 2019 05:26:45 AM


My YouTube



Every one of them should call that CNN guy posting on the Layoff site. Let someone else break the story before Kroger sends out it's polished PR crap. 


IMPORTANT -- read latest news on Hundreds of imminent Kroger Manager/co-manager layoffs at this URL..........


Here's the truth manager mass firing

Yes, this is company wide and all across the United States with all companies Kroger owns. Different divisions seem to be doing it a little different, although it should all be done the same way. One on one meetings with every manager in the districts are supposed to be taking place with every person receiving their time and place for the interview. Meetings should be done off site at a conference room of a hotel or similar place. They are to arrive no earlier than ten minutes before their scheduled time. They are told then if they are fired (this isn't a layoff regardless of how people are phrasing it), being forced to take retirement, or being told what store they will be reporting to and what their position will be. A folder with every managers name is ready for their meeting. They will learn the contents of the folder. It will either be a severance with a non disclosure agreement you have to sign or a where you will report on the official day of your new assignment. There is armed security at the back entrance of the exit area of the meeting in case of an incident.

The areas doing it correctly have looked at the stores and figured out how to fire people and or retire people without leaving the stores with no management until the day everyone steps into their new roles. People fired or retired are immediately done. The people being let go should fall into a certain criteria (although this doesn't seem to be happening across the different divisions). It has nothing to do with the surveys as some people have stated on the Redditt site. The underperforming and worst managers should be going away. However, that doesn't seem to be happening in all areas. Long term managers are being forced out regardless of their performance. They are simply making too much money based on what they can pay newer managers stepping into the same role.

It will be chaotic for a while. 



RE: Fired Kroger managers being told not to talk if they want to keep their retirement/severance

It's a non disclosure they are signing. It basically means they don't disclose what they have been given as severance. They are also supposed to not comment on being fired, retired, etc. That part is really stupid because they are immediately done and when someone doesn't show up for their shift everyone else on the management team is going to know.

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