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Post Info TOPIC: Dear customers

Dear customers

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!



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Posts: 1152

Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.


My YouTube



Dear customers stop being @$$ holes to cashiers when you can't scam your way into a situation then realize it back fired because your scam didn't work so you tell the cashier f*u*ck you. Fu*c*k you back!

Dear customers stop treating the courtesy clerk like they're scum bags that can't amount to any thing better. Thanks @$$ holes for treating them like garbage.

Dear customers stop being lying pieces of Sh*it then being @$$ holes about it.

Dear customers stop ****ting all over the toilets in the bathrooms then leave a horrid mess for someone to clean up because you can't make the toilet even when you're fu*ck*en sitting on it. Then leave a damn t.p. mess when done. 

Dear customers pick up after your friggen selves when using the public eating areas. You people are pigs and twice as bad hygienically.

Dear customers stop vandalizing our restrooms because you can't seem to pick up after your selves properly and don't respect public settings. This is why you lost the restroom privileges after 10 pm at my store and a lock was put on them.

Dear customers stop putting perishables in the wrong spots. I'm tired of finding produce in the fu*cken freezer and a freezer item on top of the damn produce.

Dear customers stop staring  at the screen and being morons when adding 1+3. Half of you people are dumber than rocks and twice as stupid.

Dear customer please fu*c*ken bathe more and wash your cloths more frequently. Hygiene isn't any better than my grandparents who bathed once a week because it was considered unhealthy to bathe. 

Dear customers please stop letting your self become deconditioned. You people are lazy fat @$$es that won't take care of your selves.

Dear customers if you're so dumb to ask where the door is to exit why the f*uck did you come in? We only have one friggen door in this store. Stop being stupid!

Dear customers stop bitching about how a $500 order is taking a long time when you know it will take a  few minutes a little more because half our stores don't have courtesy clerks.

Dear to the company stop treating your employees like their a piece of sh*i*t and can't amount to any thing better.

Dear customers stop abusing the privilege of the motorized carts when there's obviously nothing wrong with you.

Dear customers top being @$$ holes to grocery workers and treating grocery workers like the career is scumbags.

Dear customers stop purchasing sushi, expensive meat and kosher items with your damn ebt card then acting like you're too poor to work.

Dear customers stop being emotionally embarrassed when on food assistance programs. You should be thankful that you have food.

Dear customers stop lazily leaving your shopping carts every where in the paring lot. We have an organizational system but you're idiots to understanding a child's system. Instead of spending 30 seconds taking your cart to the damn cart return you spend several minutes trying to shove it on a planter box.

Dear customers empty parking spots are not friggen cart returns.

Dear  customers stop being lazy @$$es at self check. The attendants are not your ****en maids.

Dear customers employees are not your damn maids. They are human begins just like you and should be treated with the same level of respect.



A lot of them think they're helping other customers out because the coupon is almost always for something that's right there on the shelf.  I still throw them away when I see them though.



i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.

 You're racist. 



Anonymous wrote:

Dear customers stop ****ting all over the toilets in the bathrooms then leave a horrid mess for someone to clean up because you can't make the toilet even when you're fu*ck*en sitting on it. Then leave a damn t.p. mess when done. 

More:  Dear customers, please stop taking a dump and transferring one of your turds into the urinal.




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Dear customers: Please use common sense when the service center is closed. When it says closed, that means it is NOT open. It's not that hard to understand. Also when the center is closed, dont just stare at the sign or ciggarettes. They cannot and will not help you being as they are unable to do so.

MORE IMPORTANT: We aim to keep the restrooms clean and sanitary.
Your aim is to make sure you REMAIN SEATED (for females) during your business.
Males: Dancing IS NOT required to do your business. Remaining seated when necessary IS REQUIRED.

I actually put a sign like that once out of frustration, and caught 9 flavors of good ol Alabama hell from management because customers complained about the signs as they are spoiled snowflakes.


How about NO?!?




Dear Customers, Please flush the toilet after using it. No one wants to see that, its disgusting and its not my job to flush for you

Dear Customers, wash your hands after using the bathroom! Stop touching food with dirty hands!

Dear Customers, stop being weird and creepy to young female employees, they dont want you, believe me, they think you are weird and creepy and are extremely uncomfortable around you. We just have to be polite because of our jobs.

Dear Customers, not every small problem requires a manager

Dear Customers, no, you dont get to have my discount, stop asking to use my card, get your own, its free.

Dear Customers, stop asking for free discounts for no reason

Dear Customers, if you see someone who looks different than you, stop pointing it out to them! They know already! Its rude and embarassing!







i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.

 Go out and get some carts coon. Racist lying pos thief



Anonymous wrote:
i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.

 You're racist. 

 Racist?  What does race have to do with it?  Has the term racist been so overused that people don't use it properly anymore?



eDebar Customers: STOP asking for everything to be double-bagged even if it is only one item (this just applies to black people.)

Dear Customers: STOP acting like you are better than any other customer just because you bring your own bags. Bringing your own bags is the sign of an a*****e!

Dear Customers: PLEASE put the carts back where they belong - just don't leave them in the lobby. You weren't that lazy to pick up a cart from the rack-so you are not THAT lazy to  put the cart back where it belongs!


(Someone already mentioned about idiots leaving coupons on shelves-it's called LITTERING folks!!)


Dear Customers: If you don't want it then DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR CART!! Getting to the cashier and saying "I don't want this" is the sign of an a*****e!

Dear Customers: STOP speeding thru our parking lot!


Dear Customers: STOP buying the $40.00 box of crab legs with your EBT card!!







Oh I forgot a good one:







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Posts: 2634

Anonymous wrote:

Oh I forgot a good one:





 Recently I found a warm crack pipe in one of the stalls. It had just been used. Had management take care of it and we called the police. Stupid owner of said pipe came back for his item high af on crack and got arrested. 


How about NO?!?



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Posts: 1152

Anonymous wrote:
i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.

 You're racist. 

 I am sorry but they have no right calling people in the south trash. I see this was a rant toward the customer. But calling southern people trash was uncalled for.  And I took it as they meant white trash and that is racist. 


And this is racist.



Anonymous wrote:


Go out and get some carts coon. Racist lying pos thief

 Calling someone "coon" is racist.



Anonymous wrote:

     What does race have to do with it?  Has the term racist been so overused that people don't use it properly anymore?

 Yes it seems that way.


-- Edited by i386 on Monday 9th of December 2019 04:38:49 PM


My YouTube



Dear customers stop being racist to our black coworkers. You keep profiling our employees. A lawsuit is bound to happen.



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Dear customers: the world DOES NOT, nor will it EVER revolve around you. Deal with it.


How about NO?!?




Dear customers, stop clogging the toilets in our bathrooms. The toilets arent for flushing junk or paper towels down 

Dear customers, please stop staying in the bathroom for 30+ mins at a time, other people have to use the restrooms

Dear customers, stop peeing on the bathroom floor, thats gross, please just use the damn toilet

Dear customers, if you hate self checkout so much, stop using it and go into a normal line with a regular cashier

Dear customers, stop asking "where's your bagger?" we dont have enough for everyone to have one and they also need to do other things than bag too


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Anonymous wrote:

Dear Customers: PLEASE put the carts back where they belong - just don't leave them in the lobby. You weren't that lazy to pick up a cart from the rack-so you are not THAT lazy to  put the cart back where it belongs!

 Dear Customers: STOP speeding thru our parking lot!

 Dear customers,  f I have a full load of carts on the strap ready to take in and you show up five seconds later, just put the cart in the corral. Don't think I can just take another one. I'll probably have to come back for it with the 50 or so others that are still there.

Dear customers, speaking of the 50 or so carts. I don't mind if you get one from corral but don't say it is to make my job easier. There are other corrals with just as much if not more carts thanks to both the busy times in the store and the lazy-butt that was out before me that didn't do their job. 

Dear customers,  speaking of not leaving carts scattered in the lobby. Don't leave your carts scattered on the lot. If it's a windy day, that cart you left might hit your vehicle. 

Dear customers, if I'm going to retrieve a cart from you, don't shove it at me from several yards away. Not only is there the aforementioned windy day, but I might have a full load and I probably won't be able to stop the one cart in time without losing the rest. 

I am insane and I embrace it.

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Dear customers, if we're off the clock don't bug us if you see us shopping. It's our time and we have our own thing to do.

I am insane and I embrace it.


Dear customers:

If the gas pump says to come see me, it's probably because you are too stupid to follow the instructions on the screen.  Or you're just broke.  Sometimes both.  **** you.

For that matter, if you can't figure out the pump, you shouldn't be allowed to drive.  Also, **** you.

How do you not know how much gas your car takes?  If you overshoot, the rest goes back onto your card.  Fine, go to ****ing Costco.  I'm sure they know how much gas your car takes.  Why are you still here?  **** you.

The fuel center is not a Coinstar.  I'm not going to take a sandwich bag completely full of pennies.  **** you.

Just because this is a service job doesn't mean I'm your servant.  **** you.

I put the cart in the that spot because I don't want you driving me on top of me while I'm working there.  There's 17 more spots, **** you.



i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
i386 wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

you lazy ass pieces of littering ****! Stop leaving you damn coupons on the shelves and throw them AWAY!!! Whether they are expired or not throw them away. I swear these damn people in the south are absolute trash!!

 Well go back up north you damn yank.

 You're racist. 

 I am sorry but they have no right calling people in the south trash. I see this was a rant toward the customer. But calling southern people trash was uncalled for.  And I took it as they meant white trash and that is racist. 


And this is racist.



Anonymous wrote:


Go out and get some carts coon. Racist lying pos thief

 Calling someone "coon" is racist.



Anonymous wrote:

     What does race have to do with it?  Has the term racist been so overused that people don't use it properly anymore?

 Yes it seems that way.


-- Edited by i386 on Monday 9th of December 2019 04:38:49 PM

The south is more black dominated you ****en moron. 



The Kroger Asylum Patient wrote:

Dear customers, if we're off the clock don't bug us if you see us shopping. It's our time and we have our own thing to do.

 Then take your apron off DOLT!


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Anonymous wrote:
The Kroger Asylum Patient wrote:

Dear customers, if we're off the clock don't bug us if you see us shopping. It's our time and we have our own thing to do.

 Then take your apron off DOLT!

 I have taken my apron and work shirt off revealing a plain black tee underneath after my shift. I'm still stopped by other customers. And yeah I know about going to another place. 

I am insane and I embrace it.


Dear Customers: I am NOT your friend I am here to help you check out and bag your items. Do NOT call my black cashiers a n****r, do not argue about our alcohol iD policies, and DON'T PUT STUFF IN YOUR CART YOU DO NOT WANT!!



Status: Offline
Posts: 1152

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Customers: I am NOT your friend I am here to help you check out and bag your items. Do NOT call my black cashiers a n****r, do not argue about our alcohol iD policies, and DON'T PUT STUFF IN YOUR CART YOU DO NOT WANT!!

 They really call your black cashiers that word? Maybe you should report it to management and have them banned from the store.


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At our store if they called one of our cashiers the N-word the customer gets to to leave. If we say something back, depending what was said back, and it escalates, we get sent to the managers' office and told if we see the customer again, just call management or backup management. We've had that happen and it's a good thing management was there to step in between and prevent a racist customer from becoming paste on the ground courtesy of the checker he was harassing.


How about NO?!?


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