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Post Info TOPIC: Anyone work with complete psychos ?

Anyone work with complete psychos ?

Okay, at my store we have a overly emotional bipolar retard, we have a bipolar clerk thats a ticking time bomb literally hell get very upset over any little thing, we have a nonchalant prejudice manager, we have a bipolar wishy washy maid looking bitch, we have a literal voodoo queen, we got perverted managers and associates like ewwwwwwwwww.



My store's just as bad dude. We have several psycho paths that start creating drama. My store is a c class store and no one is held accountable for anything in this store. Half of the staff at the store I am currently at would not survive in a "real" store. They don't realize how good they have it. A lot of peers that try to transfer out end up coming back a year or two later because they can't handle it in the real world. I'm the exception. I started at an A class store and left due to customer harassment. I come here and dropped my jaw at the stupidity level of operations and how managers do diddly sh-i--t over personnel issues.



Unfortunately, I only keep experiencing great incompetents, many of whom are above me. Wanna trade?



The last time I checked, Kroger was the fourth worst paying corporation in America.

It's probably worse now, but if you get what you pay for, Kroger has the fourth worst employees in America.

From what I've seen, that's possible.

One nightcrew guy has some kind of golden doctor's note that says he can show up whenever he feels like it.

We have plenty of differently abled courtesy clerks.

Grandma Gross-Scary-Nails-So-Long-She-Got-A-Timeclock-PIN is slipping into the Alzheimer's, so every day is her first day.

We've had plenty of tweakers.  They don't usually last more than half a year.

We hired a homeless guy at least once.  He worked in the deli (of course), and moved to behind the dumpster at the Circle K across the street.  He was apparently an acceptable employee until a regular paycheck allowed his drug addiction to return.

And of course there's the usual simps, wimps, gimps, and chimps.

Kroger is an interesting employer.  Much like Walmart and McDonald's, it's employment of last resort.  If you can do better, you don't apply here.  And scheduling is so ****ed that it filers out anyone with responsibilities, which is to say responsible employees.  And since Kroger is part time only, that filters things down even further.



Oh yeah, one of our offsite fuel clerks is a nut.

She used to be lead but got upset about pay, so she dropped down.

She still has access to everything, and does most the job of the lead, but isn't technically responsible for it.

Except she's OCD and bipolar or something.

So she completely sabotaged a later lead until they had to step down.  And can't decide if she wants to sabotage the current lead or play nice, so she does both.  The current lead is trying to get out but can't.

She's developed a toxic fuel center culture, chases away every new employee she can, and particularly torments the ones she dislikes.

But she's competent, has access to everything, and works hard when she isn't trying to gaslight or outright drown the other employees in manufactured drama.

She's made herself so valuable that we can't afford to lose her, and that's a shame because she's a ****ing kook and terrible to work with.

Another fuel clerk has a bad habit of denying reality.  She does weird messy stuff, makes a goddamn mess, and then denies the mess exists.  The kook is not fond of this.  Or she absolutely busts her ass trying to fix a mess she didn't make, but does so with such a degree of inefficiency that you wonder why she tried at all.  She's otherwise pretty cool, but it makes we wonder what is going on in there.

As for myself, I've just been struggling with alcoholism.  Oh well.



The management team was so disruptive of customer service and always working on very serious legal-public relations fiascos for the company that they had to transfer and promote them.  Deranged HR creep oversees many stores so just stayed but has to be more careful.  



I work with a nuts that will be off the pervious day and will tell me what I did wrong lol.  I stock product lol.  I always tell her go talk to our DH,  he just laughs.  



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Posts: 2634

I have a Karen I work with. Shes not a lead, far from it. But according to her, you can NOT go on a break if she has go-backs and she calls for them. If she calls for a fe service and you say over the voycall you are in break, lunch, or off the clock she loses her sh*t and chastises you in the breakroom.
I've learned to ignore her. I'm not sure if she's bipolar and off her meds because 10 min later it's like she's forgotten thr whole thing. She isnt violent or rude...just odd. Management says as long as she doesn't physically harm anyone with malintent, just ignore her.


How about NO?!?




Status: Offline
Posts: 7

In all my years of retail I've worked with plenty of kooks and weirdos, yet only two stand out from being complete psychotic ticking time bombs

I was employed at a Kroger Supercenter during the holidays many years ago. My job was to basically unload the truck of Christmas decor with the fellow wage slaves and put said objects in their respective aisles. One of my unloading coworkers was a fat, clearly manic woman who was always mad, always antagonizing us, just being a complete weirdo. Well one day she completely snapped (must have forgotten her meds that day) and, according to my manager, went into the warehouse while we were all out stocking, took boxes upon boxes full of glass ornaments, shoved them into the compactor (which is used only for breaking down cardboard), and turned it on. My manager ran back there when she heard glass breaking and caught hambeast before she could make her getaway.

The second time was with a crazy fuel attendant. She threatened to immolate herself with one of the gas pumps after the manager told her she had been receiving complaints from customers for being too "invasive". This happened during the work day, mind you.


Flower sult 



Forgive the people...... not the demons which they inherit. No one is born saying "truly, I wish to be like this upon this people on this day".

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