I use to work in a grocery store deli (not Kroger). I hated it. Not the job but the people I had to work with.
I could have sworn these were the requirements to work in that department:
1) female
2) 40+ y.o.
3) fat and sometimes tremendously fat
When the gals who let themselves go, did not have a customer to help they would be stuffing their faces with expired meat when no one was looking. During breaks the beef-aloes would be eating pork related meat during their lunch break like they need it (image a recovering alcoholic working a bar) instead of low-fat meat like chicken or turkey in small quantities. Since I was the only guy working in the department who was in physical shape and doesn't normally eat those meats I appeared to be a target for their complaining on do this/do that.
Same way at Kroger?
The beef-aloes wanted certain tasks done during the day but would not share that with me while I was being trained. I eventually quit not because of the job/customers but because of the fat ones I had to take directions from that were in bullying mode and had an attitude.
Eventually I lost my cool and quit. I said in confidence to a fellow rare and in-shape coworker in that department "that fat one better shut her mouth up!"
Haven't been back since. Curious if that's true for Kroger too
I use to work in a grocery store deli (not Kroger). I hated it. Not the job but the people I had to work with.
I could have sworn these were the requirements to work in that department:
1) female
2) 40+ y.o.
3) fat and sometimes tremendously fat
When the gals who let themselves go, did not have a customer to help they would be stuffing their faces with expired meat when no one was looking. During breaks the beef-aloes would be eating pork related meat during their lunch break like they need it (image a recovering alcoholic working a bar) instead of low-fat meat like chicken or turkey in small quantities. Since I was the only guy working in the department who was in physical shape and doesn't normally eat those meats I appeared to be a target for their complaining on do this/do that.
Same way at Kroger?
The beef-aloes wanted certain tasks done during the day but would not share that with me while I was being trained. I eventually quit not because of the job/customers but because of the fat ones I had to take directions from that were in bullying mode and had an attitude.
Eventually I lost my cool and quit. I said in confidence to a fellow rare and in-shape coworker in that department "that fat one better shut her mouth up!"
Haven't been back since. Curious if that's true for Kroger too
My deli department employs 3 fatsos as well. 2 of them sneak pastries in the cooler to gobble them down not paid for either. They sweat like pigs when they smell the pastries and thats the reason to eat them in the cooler so they dry off. I took one pastry cause my sugar was to low and this fat oompa loompa tried to tel me no. Umm excuse me Buffalo butt? You e eaten 8 of these **** off im taking this. She fat and black and thinks shes the queen of deli. NOT
I use to work in a grocery store deli (not Kroger). I hated it. Not the job but the people I had to work with.
I could have sworn these were the requirements to work in that department:
1) female
2) 40+ y.o.
3) fat and sometimes tremendously fat
When the gals who let themselves go, did not have a customer to help they would be stuffing their faces with expired meat when no one was looking. During breaks the beef-aloes would be eating pork related meat during their lunch break like they need it (image a recovering alcoholic working a bar) instead of low-fat meat like chicken or turkey in small quantities. Since I was the only guy working in the department who was in physical shape and doesn't normally eat those meats I appeared to be a target for their complaining on do this/do that.
Same way at Kroger?
The beef-aloes wanted certain tasks done during the day but would not share that with me while I was being trained. I eventually quit not because of the job/customers but because of the fat ones I had to take directions from that were in bullying mode and had an attitude.
Eventually I lost my cool and quit. I said in confidence to a fellow rare and in-shape coworker in that department "that fat one better shut her mouth up!"
Haven't been back since. Curious if that's true for Kroger too