On the old system you could request a few hours off for an appointment. No, this bloody new system you have to request an entire day off for an appointment. The request heavily dings your hours instead of the company being flexible and allowing you to work life around your work schedule. Glad school has one year to go and then I can begin to transition out of this company.
I hate it when you request a day off for an appointment middle day then you get your coworkers asking you if you can work. Despite the fact the schedule says you can't.
I'm usually flexible but the last time I came in on a requested day off for a short 4-6 hr shift to cover my coworker; management got quite pissy with me. If I could request a third of the day off I'd do that instead but nope, you have to request the whole damn day off with this company.
On the old system you could request a few hours off for an appointment. No, this bloody new system you have to request an entire day off for an appointment. The request heavily dings your hours instead of the company being flexible and allowing you to work life around your work schedule. Glad school has one year to go and then I can begin to transition out of this company.
If you work in a department where lunches and breaks aren't scheduled, you can just take a long lunch at the time of your appointment and simply make up the time by staying over. That's one of the perks of not working on the front end or Click List. Those two departments are customer driven. Other departments are task driven. You have more flexability in when you want to stop and take a break or lunch.
On the old system you could request a few hours off for an appointment. No, this bloody new system you have to request an entire day off for an appointment. The request heavily dings your hours instead of the company being flexible and allowing you to work life around your work schedule. Glad school has one year to go and then I can begin to transition out of this company.
If you work in a department where lunches and breaks aren't scheduled, you can just take a long lunch at the time of your appointment and simply make up the time by staying over. That's one of the perks of not working on the front end or Click List. Those two departments are customer driven. Other departments are task driven. You have more flexability in when you want to stop and take a break or lunch.