2 months of his b.s. and I'm/we're done with it. This is clear harassment at this point and we're beyond fed up and frustrated. We've tried multiple attempts and he still doesn't understand. Nope, done!
Make sure you contact the Union. I won a harassment complaint against a manager about two years ago which resulted in her demotion to a ahem, "field position." Kroger got wind that I had already talked to a lawyer and in our meeting (store manager/me/regional HR at the time/Union rep) I said I was thinking about suing her personally and not Kroger (HR said that they were concerned if they terminated her, we all could have got hit with a wrongful termination lawsuit.) They were just trying to think of the path of least resistance to get her out of our store for good.
2 months of his b.s. and I'm/we're done with it. This is clear harassment at this point and we're beyond fed up and frustrated. We've tried multiple attempts and he still doesn't understand. Nope, done!
Hilarious by now no one realizes these are troll post that have been answered about 15 times already