The purpose of this forum is for Kroger employees (present, past or pondering) to share and discuss their views on company policies, practices or any pertinent issues. Non-Kroger topics are also welcome.
-- DO NOT SPAM OR ADVERTISE -- If a topic is posted multiple times, I.E. more than twice, I will either merge the topics into a single thread or outright remove them; this depends on the topic or method used to post and is handled on a case-by-case basis. We want a forum where topics can be discussed and found in a clean way. Advertising is not acceptable and clutters our forum. If you spam or advertise (I.E: cbd oil, dating, essay writing services, ect.) you will be banned -- instantly. Neither will be tolerated. We will, in addition to banning you, file a complaint with your ISP if you advertise illegal services such as essay writing, fake documents/passports/ect.
DO NOT POST REAL LIFE INFORMATION People's personal information is taken very seriously around here. We don't want your co-workers or manager to find your posts and track you down. I make a good faith effort to remove and inform people about this type of thing when it comes up. If you must post things about your fellow employees, managers or customers be vague. You can vent or praise things about them but don't point them out in a crowd.
TRY TO BE RESPECTFUL/ DON'T EXPLICITLY HARASS OTHERS I don't strictly enforce this rule as much as the other two but if it happens on a very consistent basis I'm not against removing it. Giving people nicknames is not against the rules but if you're giving them derogatory names in an effort to belittle them I will take action. I've done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future. You don't have to be nice but we'd really appreciate it if you were.
PROFANITY, VULGARITY, and PORNOGRAPHY This message board is not a place for this. Any denigrating statements will be removed at Moderator discretion or upon request. To report abuse please contact Admin or one of the moderators via DM!
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[Latest Edit:] Clarification of topic.
-- Edited by Admin on Friday 7th of February 2025 06:50:54 AM
yea! we had a manager that would RAISE her voice and downgrade use on the sales floor in front of customers but to fix the problem i begain talking to uper management and the union about the value of treating workers with respect. telling the union that i felt like i was haveing to work in a hostel inviroment. maybe your wife should try setting up a time to talk to her union about unfair treatment at work. remember every situation is diffrent.
Hi every one; I'm Jeremy and while I am not an employee of Kroger, I do work in retail. I'm here because I have a lot of gripes about Kroger as well, and am looking forward to seeing all the topics and responses I can on here.
Hi I'm Cate. I'm the wife of a long-time employee and won't tell what his job is for good reasons and you can probably guess what he does and I'm obviously new to the site. I like to have a site to vent about the company on because I have lots I've had to endure being a spouse of Kroger. Never knew it existed till I was searching for some regulatory information. Thanks for having me on....
New to this site.I had ran across it a couple months ago and decided to join.I am a 15 year vet of Kroger.Look forward to venting out the frustrations on here.
umm saying "effing" isn''t swearing. i'm glad to have you as a member to our forum. tell others at your store to drop on in. I won't monitor much b/c I believe in free speech - damn in America our Bill of Rights shrink by the minute. But don't call the moderator a Jack Ass! LMFAO even though you're right....
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
Hello! Just started working for Kroger a year and twoish weeks ago. Both my partner and myself work there, but not in the same department. We have a very family-oriented store...lots of people related working together. Many husband wife, brother sister combos. Anyway, there are ups and downs to working there, but I gotta say, when you get some respect from your management, it's about 100 times better to work there.
I love this site I get info on things my managers cannot answer relieve stress.
I'm glad you love this site! I've been here for a couple years or more now. The cool thing is, I can see that a lot of new people are coming here on a regular basis. That means GROWTH. We use to have around 15 to 20 regulars come on here and now it seems like we are up to around 40 to 50! YAY!!!!!
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
Ugh I cant stand stores that hire people who are dating, married, related, or best buds. Creates so much trouble and conflicts of interest. Ive seen it a million times and Kroger never learns. login: If you have heard about the company who take cares the rules and values of the passionate and hard-working employees, then the company known as Kroger
umm saying "effing" isn''t swearing. i'm glad to have you as a member to our forum. tell others at your store to drop on in. I won't monitor much b/c I believe in free speech - damn in America our Bill of Rights shrink by the minute. But don't call the moderator a Jack Ass! LMFAO even though you're right....
No saying Effing is not swearing. I live in Effingham County Georgia. People always make jokes about that for some reason.
Is it me or is activity down on this thread lately? I only come here once a week or 2-3 times a mo and find I'm the only one posting things?
I am appalled at how many people think this site is occupied by trolls. Which is b.s.
I'm also appalled at how racist some of the posts are. I'm just glad the person that posted "dear black people" finally stopped coming to this site. I get it every race has trash in it even mine but I think this was going too far. There's an f* you way of posting things and there's an hr professional way of posting things and this guy went a bit too far. I get it I've posted things here that wouldn't see the light of day on reddit for even 30 seconds. But never something to this degree.