Isnt this a union job?? Then where tf is the unoon??! use your reps and if they dont seem to work try another. The turnover rate seems to be high at Kroger and could be a reason, similar to amazon they depend on new hires lasting on average 6 months! why do you think your probationary period is over in 90 days but they dont begin benefit implementation until six months? Whoever is running that union needs to be checked. Strikes should be coming Id imagine, doesnt seem that theres a single happy worker at my store. I havent had my benefits kick in, but I have had benefits through SAG/AFTRA after 30 days, and those were epic! Full PPO for $62 a month, IRA/retirement, and lots of paid time off. to be honest Krogers union doesnt even seem worth it six months to receive benefits is a joke oh and idk how I passed this background check lol but I did!
Switch: "The union has negotiated a wage of $.20 over minimum wage. Part time only, no fewer than 12 hours may be scheduled a week. To pay union dues, please enter your billing information now"
Krogers pick n save in Schofield WI has one of the worst management ive ever seen. No communication whats so ever. They just make up **** as they go and do lightweight work. Like salad walls, bag, and bread asle. And they never do it alone.
You are not alone. "Why do you want to leave your current employer?" "I think I can do better." Work hard and do your best elsewhere as soon as you can.
I've worked for Fry's for over 20 years. Until about 2 years ago we didn't even get paid for the first day we called out, only the second day on. So if we had a cold or upset stomach for the day we were out a day of pay. Now thanks to a new state law and contract we are actually getting paid. So for all those years I would not call out when I was sick I had a **** ton of sick time. You bet my ass I'm using it, this is a basic benefit I was never able to use because I couldn't afford to loose a day of pay. Management is toxic at Fry's maybe they are calling out because they just can't take anymore **** from Management. I can't tell you how many time I've almost lost my **** and quit. The only reason I'm still there is it's paying for new career training. Kroger/ Fry's sucks ass and the managers are toxic.
A worker has failed a mystershop twice at a kroger and now manger is about to give the worker the C.A write up and suspended the worker two days. However the manger didn't write the worker up on a S.I.R they skip to the C.A? is this legal? who can i report them to? human resources? the worker has asked to be removed from self checkout but they wont remove the wor
Kroger is one of the worst places to work for. I am so happy to be done with them, and finally I moved to a better company. I don't recommend any one to work for kroger specifically Frys. The worst management on earth, I agree with everyone who said the same thing.
I was told i get 1 only 1 short break in a 7 hour day. In an 8 hour day you get two 10 min breaks. No scheduled lunches. The store i work ata shorthanded store, i open the locked bathrooms for people around 40 times per day. I get 15.40 per hour and have to do others jobs cos they call out. Service desk has to cashier to take up the slack. Its my 3rd time working in kroger. Im currently looking for a way out...this company can shove it in their ass. People deserve better.
Just be lazy and do the bare minimum. Take your time doing all tasks. They will try to intimidate but pay no mind to those pussy managers with weak empty threats. Lower your standards and just go to collect a pay check this job is just a throw away job and nothing more. If you hate people or some manager tried to flex their chest at you you can take this opportunity to tell them or a customer to eat your ass and fuck off.
I was told i get 1 only 1 short break in a 7 hour day. In an 8 hour day you get two 10 min breaks. No scheduled lunches. The store i work ata shorthanded store, i open the locked bathrooms for people around 40 times per day. I get 15.40 per hour and have to do others jobs cos they call out. Service desk has to cashier to take up the slack. Its my 3rd time working in kroger. Im currently looking for a way out...this company can shove it in their ass. People deserve better.
This is true they do not discipline lazy rather they reward the behavior DON'T GET INJURED they'll get mad at you they don't care about anyone but themselves UNION does nothing they pay lazy and lazy gets a paycheck honestly if your rotten lazy it's the job for you
yes it's pretty badly ran and there's a ton of problems, but I think it is what you make of it. I have made a bunch of friends and have a good reputation as a hard worker and stay late with a couple others to clean up. I love my job not because it's a great place necessarily but because I have found a place where I'm needed and that motivates me. This is my first job and so I'm lacking experience with other job environments but I just know I look forward to going to work most days
Oh you poor bastard, you are DOOMED to peasantry the rest of your life lol
ahh yes thanks so much I will clarify though that this is a high school/college gig for me and not where I'm going to stay forever. However there's nothing wrong with making the most of a situation as long as your not blind to the problems with it. I know there is a lot that can and should be complained about but there are people here who could either have a better attitude or find a new job and they would probably be a lot happier.
yes it's pretty badly ran and there's a ton of problems, but I think it is what you make of it. I have made a bunch of friends and have a good reputation as a hard worker and stay late with a couple others to clean up. I love my job not because it's a great place necessarily but because I have found a place where I'm needed and that motivates me. This is my first job and so I'm lacking experience with other job environments but I just know I look forward to going to work most days
Oh you poor bastard, you are DOOMED to peasantry the rest of your life lol
yes it's pretty badly ran and there's a ton of problems, but I think it is what you make of it. I have made a bunch of friends and have a good reputation as a hard worker and stay late with a couple others to clean up. I love my job not because it's a great place necessarily but because I have found a place where I'm needed and that motivates me. This is my first job and so I'm lacking experience with other job environments but I just know I look forward to going to work most days
I have been working for them for less than 2 weeks and I can already tell it is a horrible company. The job they sell you at Orientation and the job you end up working are two completely different things. I was told I would be getting paid X just to get paid Y, I am missing hours from my paycheck, the only time a manager talks to me is to tell me that I am not sticking enough boxes per hour, and all this over-night. I actually turned down another position at a different company thinking Kroger was the smarter choice and I regret it with all of my being please dont work for Kroger if you are considering it. I will forever preach what a **** company this is.
Tell me Anonymous, I bet you follow your orders and jangle your keys at one of the kroger locations waiting for an opportunity to become the front end manager just so they award you more keys matter fact the store keys. Would that make you feel like you're king all while getting **** pay. They give you store keys and you not knowing that the cart pusher has store keys. Stop it come to the real world and see how Kroger and Its chains treat their employees. I see it on a daily basis as I shopped there for years every morning I'd see same people but over time those people you become to unrecognize because of what the company does to them. It's a shame Kroger is a ****ty company. Period!
My wife has worked at Kroger for over 10 years, it is by far the worst place to work ever. Her department has people calling off left and right and yet nothing is done to them. Instead they expect her to do it all! Managers are the most of ignorant people ever, nothing but micromanaging nincompoops. The union is a joke, they do nothing for the employees that actually work and only help the employees that do absolutely nothing. She is done, she is ready to quit. It is honestly so sad how worthless they treat their GOOD employees and how great they treat their lazy incompetent lying employees. Would care at all if Kroger went bankrupt and disappeared.
Yes this is so true I have worked there 10 months and the management is horrible. They are not understanding one bit and drive away all their best employees.
I have worked there for a total of 8 months and if have already seen how terrible the company is. Over half of the store employees talk to me about how many years of hard work they have given to the company. Most of them are not given any opportunity for advancement and sometimes even demoted. When they stand up and quit they are replaced in an instant. The pay is not great for the harder jobs in the store and many times they have made it clear that profits come above the employees well being no matter who it is. I will be looking for other employment as soon as possible before i become another person talking about my 21 years of service only to quit and be replaced within the day (actual story of the produce manager at pur store).
Had another. Paper appears with numbered lines on it and instruction to print name, sign and date. Nothing else. No indication of what it is supposed to be. Manager of the department or front end manager state verbally that it aknowleges that we have been informed of some rule change from a year ago. They may claim you sold your soul. It would now be surprising. Creeps.
I work at a Kroger store in cincinnati and I trt my best to be friendly. I mean I don't smile like a clown and talking like Barney the dinosaur. I get so much **** from managers and supervisors for not being barney the dinosaur. I have seen people's reactions to the so called customer engagement and they seem rather put off.
God! You are right on your money with your post. The ugly-rude-*ss store manager at my daughter's place of employment has been on my daughter's *ss because she doesn't smile like a frickin' clown and laugh like Barney the dinosaur. I think this store manager thinks employees are there for her personal amusement and to be abused. A lot of the regular customers like my daughter because she is genuine and helpful in her dealings with them. Why can't the store manager just leave it alone? And, additionally, when a customer is obnoxiously rude why should employees have to put up with that? No, employees should not be rude, but they certainly should be able to call a manager and have a manager support them (oh, but NOT at Kroger) when the customer is being beyond ridiculous with their behavior. A customer like that should be ejected from the store, but Kroger does not care for its employees .... big mistake.
The company always has to be trying to get away with something, like some kind of psycho. The lipstick on a pig routine we have been getting lately isn't convincing. I hope it goes under soon.
Tell me anonymous, why don't you start shopping at Trump's Family Friendly's Market? You won't find any face diapers there. And if you don't like the service yall can always storm the counter. Oxford, MS says it all.
Kroger "friendly"???? I went to the Oxford, MS Kroger to drop a FEDEX package and do some shopping. Standing 7 feet from the "lady" Annette at the service counter, I was not wearing a face diaper because of breathing issues. She announced "I can't service you because you're not wearing a mask" ... I told her I was 72 and had breathing problems ... her response: "I don't care ... it's required" ... She missed her calling as a Nazi prison guard. I may never shop there again.
I've been with Kroger 8 years and you hit the nail on the head. I more often than not feel burned out and frustrated and try not to go to management for anything because they seem clueless and make the situations worse. I work in pickup which is a department I suggest never working in. I'm stressed out most days. Was a lead and stepped down along with the other lead around March. It was a complete ****show. All management did was call watch us drown. We had orders in all four corners of the store and were also trying to train 23 new people. It's similar now. Christmas is a week away and we are just now sent people to cross-train and new people for the department. Covid has been going on all year. We couldn't prepare any better?
Kroger is very unfair to it's best employees. If you work hard more work is forced on you, no help is offered. You are expected to perform impossible tasks in the shift you are given . I worked for this devilish company for 16 years and got nothing but crap from the worthless managers. As a department head you are stripped of your best help, and given either no help or very sub-par help, so you end up working your tail off. I just one day walked out because I was about have a melt down and no one cared or would help. My advice to all of you is don't work for these ungrateful bastards, they will bleed you dry, throw you aside and get new victims. NEVER will this company appreciate one damn thing you do for them. Good luck to all of you!
There is absolutely nothing good about working for Kroger. The company is full of abusive management, hateful coworkers that live for drama. Did I mention the majority of the employees including management are stealing from Kroger on a daily basis? So, if you enjoy being underpaid, unappreciated, abused, and threatened then Kroger is the place for you. Lol. Kroger Really Sucks | Many of you might don't matter and would enjoy shopping but it is just a waste of time and money without knowing Kroger Return Policy. For me not knowing the store policy really sucks and had bad experience towards them.
[Admin Edit:] That link looks sketchy so I removed it.
-- Edited by Admin on Monday 1st of November 2021 02:19:25 AM
Kroger kicked my bf and I out just because their card reader wasnt working and they assumed our card got declined my bf called the bank which took ten to thirty seconds and then showed them his bank account and asked if they would use a different card reader. Im now way were we rude or holding anyone up and never did we ask for the manager until they threatened to kick us out for no reason. I understand there is protocol for declined cards but they treated us like **** for no reason and because Im autistic it really upset and confused me but never did I have an attitude. Also my shopping experience has never been great. I used to work at an Albertsons when I was a teen so I know how sucky it probably is to work there. Ive known a few people that worked at Kroger they all hated it except this one guy I know who loved it
I have not worked at Kroger but my dad has for more than 30 years. It breaks my heart to see my dads spirit absolutely shattered because of how poorly Kroger treats their loyal employees. He has always been a really good manager. He would go in on his days off all the time to help out if his store was behind on certain things. Hes A very kind, respectful, hard-working person and has always treated the employees and customers with respect (even if the customers are rude). His store specifically is always on top of things and even doing pretty well considering the circumstances of COVID-19. But what is really frustrating to see is the unrealistic expectations put on managers and district managers(especially during an economy altering event such as the pandemic). My dad believes that Kroger is making things unreasonable to have a reason to fire him so they can hire A younger manager that they dont have to pay near as much (because my dad has earned many raises for his store doing well). He says that he has seen it happen to other managers several times throughout his years at Kroger. This is why Kroger is a miserable place to work. my dad is so ready to get out of Kroger that hes willing to take the risk in looking at a completely different career, rather than spending his last five years till retirement working at Kroger. I can tell that he doesnt feel like he can take another five years. I feel horrible for him.
Also, I forgot to mention that my dad has been in the military for 30 years part time As well. He has been deployed twice and every time he returned after a year of being deployed there was always a chance that Kroger wasnt going to be willing to give his original position back to him. my mom feared that he would come back and not even have a job when he came back to civilian life. So to sum it up, Kroger has grown into a terrible company that no longer prides itself on good morals, but rather the sole desire to make money at ANY cost. I do understand that thats how most things are nowadays but Kroger took a serious nose dive really really quick. When I was little I used to think it was a company that took pride in its community and workers like my dad desperately try to do (thats why I wanted to work there at one point) but seeing what it did to my dad makes me sick.
I do understand that my point of view may be considered biased, but if I didnt believe there was a serious issue I wouldnt be ranting here on my dads behalf.
Kroger is horrible still ten years later I had worked as frontend utility clerk and they expect tht position to do everything when they have a new job to add guess what matinance gets it excuse my spelling I also remember one time I went into work and a few hours into my shift I started to feel sick ended up throwing up in the bathroom told my boss about it and was told to stick it out bc they didn't have anyone tht could come in Im in my mid 20s and and pretty much all my coworkers in my department are all old farts and one guy on disability who was lazy and barely did his job so no one could /would come in I tried to stick it out but couldnt I was just to sick so I told my boss I cant I have to go and then get told that Im gonna get an absence for it an absense for what being sick its not my fault tht I was sick could barely walk around the store which was a main part of my job so I said **** it and left barely made the walk home and threw up as soon as I walked through the door turns out I had food poisoning but yet but lucky for one Guy tht didnt last long in my department he got sick was able to go home without getting an absense bc I covered it and Thts the only reason he didnt get one For that reason sure he would of if I hadnt covered also most of the workers are idiots and there be like a few drops of milk on the floor or something and I get called all the way to one end of the store stoping what I needed to get done which is a **** load of stuff bc someone cant take a paper towel and wipe it I get its my job but come on its a few drops not a whole gallon and between my duties spills sweeps bathroom etc and every other week getting something added to the list it was just impossible and stressful too much **** to do in such little time and then to get bitched at when I had enough of being a front end utility clerk I asked to get transferred to stocking bc the holiday season was coming up and figured what perfect timing they will need more stockers was told that yes we can do that we are gonna need stockers and figured they would start trying to hire someone to replace me at tht position so I could transfer to the one I wanted but no they didnt do jack **** about it hell The first time I asked before the last one I talked to a hr manager that said i Needed to do this and tht to become a stocker and come to find out months later tht he just went up to another employee and started making the moves right away even though I asked him and this other worker that didnt even ask I had enough so I quit hell I was one of there best matinance workers they still havent replaced me four months later so best decision of my life and a side note I wish I knew the union was optional I was pretty much lead on tht I had to so those *******s got a lot of my money from my paychecks it sucks but I think If I quit my job and the union they legaly should have to give me my money they stole but whatever just bull**** and I hope Amazon new grocery thing and Walmart put them out of buissne bc these retards are ****in god awful employers