How understaffed is your store?
The two local stores near me only have one cashier on duty at 7PM and most leave around 9PM leaving self check out as the only option (which PO's customers!!) How many evening cashiers are in your store?
December 9th
by Anonymous
Please donate if you’re able
The store had a nice food drive last month for thanks giving and this month should be a good one as well. Lets not forget though that food donation is great but we also need to donate soap and shampoo for some of the lazy ASSociates who come smelling like sweet sweaty butt. ASSociate filth is at an all time h...
December 8th
by Anonymous
Our store keeps hiring alcoholics or druggies into our departments lead position. :/
I've never worked at a store where they seem to hire in all the flakes or wierdos. The past 5 years my store has ironically hired in alcoholics into my department's lead position. I honestly have no faith left in this company.
December 4th
by Anonymous
I am really disliking this utility clerk program because no one knows what the f* to do.
Why on earth did kroger think having utility clerks was a good idea? The company poorly trains to begin with and then they expect people to quickly pick up jobs and we know that's not true. When we get a utility clerk they're utterly useless. We spend more time trying to show them the ropes than them actua...
December 3rd
by Anonymous
temporary help in December
Does Kroger hire help for the holiday season? I have no interest in working beyond January 1st. Also can a person request not to work with a particular category of people (known only in private with the HR person)?
December 2nd
by Anonymous
Night shift who is supposed to removes pallets from trucks
Ive heard different people. Some say its Kroger night shift, some say its the actual truck driver. Im asking for like meat, produce, grocery, frozen, and dairy trucks during night shift. Who is supposed to and where are they supposed to unload it to? Like to receiving or actual take it to departme...
November 30th
by Anonymous
That's it our new store lead is targeting me and is an @$$ to me. He's getting a union grievance.
I understand the company rules well 20 yrs with company you learn them well. Every now and then we'll get a manager that just decides I don't like you. Then it's hell. His @$$ is headed towards a union grievance if he doesn't back off me. At this point it is very clear it's discrimination.
November 30th
by Anonymous
Going to stop buying produce from my local kroger stores. Here's why...
Many people do not realize the produce back room is a trash dumping ground where side departments come and leave their garbage by the trash door. many people are too lazy to call to get a key. Even when it's wide open they just lazily abandon it like we are responsible for it. Hell no! Our produce back roo...
November 27th
by Anonymous
How long should I go before filing an ethics report against our manager?
I'm basically tired of not being respected and treated like dirt. he's done some things that I would consider a violation of kroger's integrity definition. I feel he's also trying to "push me out" and that in it self is illegal because we're union protected. Our managers have high turn over and he's on...
November 27th
by Anonymous
Why is Kroger so paranoid about (alleged) employee shoplifting?
I can't bring my PURSE into the store but I CAN bring in two Kroger shopping bags with the same stuff. I would bet that most of the shoplifting is done by customers. I just transferred out of a store that was #1 in our District for shoplifting. i saw in my previous store customers roll out with a cart full of g...
November 27th
by Anonymous
My manager is an @$$ for scheduling me one day in the middle of vacation.
I have told them several times I am going on vacation for 10 days the first week of december and going out of town. Manager is a dick and decides to schedule me on one of the days I did not input for vacation. But instead did a single day off request. Nope, calling out sick that day if manager is a dick about it....
November 26th
by Anonymous
What does someone in a "Field Position" do?
Several years ago someone in our Local 1996n area got demoted from Regional HR to Store Manager (one month) then to what is called a "Field Position." I was told she was put in that job to see "how (she) gets along with other people." What exactly does someone in that job DO and is it considered a dead end/y...
Kroger : Stop this wall of shame for those that do not do fresh start daily.
Kroger : Stop this wall of shame for those that do not do fresh start daily. Weekly was fine but a wall of shame is disgraceful. Not everyone works 5 days a week. Many work part time or 2-4 days a week Vacations happen and you need to not get snippy with us when we take 1-3 weeks and harass us abt it when we...
November 26th
by Anonymous
Class action settlement. The check cleared!
It is somewhat mysterious but it seems someone brought a class action, probably in arbitration, and I got money for being denied breaks. Why deny us breaks? Company is basically a gang of criminals. I'll provide some details if you want them, but I'm mostly wondering if anyone else got money. And if y...
November 25th
by Anonymous
Racism at Fred Meyer
There's racism at Fred Meyer when an Caucasian female employee asked me "Do you eat Cats and Dogs?" No manager intervene-they're all Caucasian. And the thing is the employee asked it almost on a daily for 2 months when Trump was saying about the refugees. I'm not refugee nor an immigrant. Isn't this...
November 23rd
by Anonymous
I'm giving my store a zero on the annual survey this year.
All the b.s. I've had to deal with this year in my department alone coupled with repetitive shi--ty managers. I'm just spilling the beans on how bad this location has gotten in the past couple of years. I don't care if I end up submitting a 30 page essay telling the inners of how far my store has fallen. It s...
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Why is the Pharmacy closed on Thanksgiving? is it because it is a leased department?
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Free item program is a total joke now.
Spend $35+ worth of groceries to get an item valued at <$5.00. Too many people are idioits and just think the free item is free like it was before. Nope you have to spend $35 to get a cheap aff item valued at <$5.00. Bravo kroger.
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Not buying groceries at kroger any more.
Give me another reason why I should spend my hard earned paycheck at kroger? No, really? I have been thrown under the bus and kroger is not getting my money any more. There are cheaper local stores to support.
November 20th
by Anonymous
This isn't right.
I get scheduled <20 hrs because of some shuffling around of staff... I come in to cover 3 call outs and get scolded for it and am asked to stay over to get the department ready for a walk soon.... Then get scolded for that. No that sh*it ain't right. I think I'm finding another store to pick up hours at and...
November 20th
by Anonymous