Class action settlement. The check cleared!
It is somewhat mysterious but it seems someone brought a class action, probably in arbitration, and I got money for being denied breaks. Why deny us breaks? Company is basically a gang of criminals. I'll provide some details if you want them, but I'm mostly wondering if anyone else got money. And if y...
November 25th
by Anonymous
Racism at Fred Meyer
There's racism at Fred Meyer when an Caucasian female employee asked me "Do you eat Cats and Dogs?" No manager intervene-they're all Caucasian. And the thing is the employee asked it almost on a daily for 2 months when Trump was saying about the refugees. I'm not refugee nor an immigrant. Isn't this...
November 23rd
by Anonymous
I'm giving my store a zero on the annual survey this year.
All the b.s. I've had to deal with this year in my department alone coupled with repetitive shi--ty managers. I'm just spilling the beans on how bad this location has gotten in the past couple of years. I don't care if I end up submitting a 30 page essay telling the inners of how far my store has fallen. It s...
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Why is the Pharmacy closed on Thanksgiving? is it because it is a leased department?
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Free item program is a total joke now.
Spend $35+ worth of groceries to get an item valued at <$5.00. Too many people are idioits and just think the free item is free like it was before. Nope you have to spend $35 to get a cheap aff item valued at <$5.00. Bravo kroger.
November 22nd
by Anonymous
Not buying groceries at kroger any more.
Give me another reason why I should spend my hard earned paycheck at kroger? No, really? I have been thrown under the bus and kroger is not getting my money any more. There are cheaper local stores to support.
November 20th
by Anonymous
This isn't right.
I get scheduled <20 hrs because of some shuffling around of staff... I come in to cover 3 call outs and get scolded for it and am asked to stay over to get the department ready for a walk soon.... Then get scolded for that. No that sh*it ain't right. I think I'm finding another store to pick up hours at and...
November 20th
by Anonymous
What time does your store close on Thanksgiving? Ours is closing at 5PM
There will be no 3rd shift in the Fuel Center (This is in the Local 1996 Atlanta GA area)
November 20th
by Anonymous
I’ve been wondering how effective personalized print materials are for engaging customers.
Ive been wondering how effective personalized print materials are for engaging customers. With digital options dominating, is there still room for custom print campaigns? I feel like something unique and tangible can make an impression, but does it actually lead to better customer loyalty or sa...
November 20th
by daril6671
why kroger sucks
1 2 3 4 5 … 6
once upon a time, kroger did not suck. when i started working for kroger, over 12 years ago, it was a good place to work. sure, tere were problems, like any job. but you could be proad to work for kroger. you did your job well, you were treated well. now, kroger sucks big time. this is my opinion as to what hap...
November 19th
by Anonymous
If you quiet quit, you still have to do your job duties. My cowoker quiet quit all wrong and got a write up.
You still gotta do the bare minimum if you decide to quiet quit. The company does notice if you just stop doing your job duties. They have the right to write you up for job abandonment. Just depends on how fast they notice it. You have to do the bare minimum. Just fine tune it to the degree that you can. This l...
November 18th
by Anonymous
1st of the year (jan 2025) I'm transfering to the store closer to my house.
I've posted a few times about how an old manager that didn't like me eventually followed me to my current location (8 yrs later). Well.. now he's in charge of my store and being a di-ck to me. Same as before. Same bs I had to deal with. If I didn't have stuff to commit to thru the end of the year I would just go no...
November 18th
by Anonymous
Ex-Husband's HR Records
How long do Kroger companies (namely Dillon's Grocery Stores that are located in Kansas) hold onto terminated employees' HR records? My ex husband is a former assistant manager who was terminated in 2013 for reasons that might be helpful to me if I am to reopen our daughter's custody case. I plan to as...
November 18th
by Anonymous
Dear management do not lie to your staff. My store is having a quitting streak because of it.
Management always offers empty promises about this or that. They'll lure people in with high promises only to break the reality to that individual later once they're hooked and baited. I do well in this field but have my disgust towards this company like most other people. Our current store manager h...
Some of us don't believe in "Fresh for Everyone"
It's just another excuse for a customer to get something for nothing!!
November 17th
by Anonymous
Covermymeds.com is the online version of an HMO
First off, a little background info. I'm a type 2 diabetic. I know those that are reading this are probably thinking of the usual. Sedentary lifestyle, ate too much junk food, etc. Mine is actually hereditary as it's on both sides of my family and I do keep it in control. The problem I'm having is that cov...
Oatmeal tastes like detergent or soap of some kind
Hello forum! I'm an employee of Kroger, as well as a customer (of course) and over the last 3 months or so I've noticed that the smaller boxes of KROGER brand oatmeal (quick / one minute type) has a definite 'soapy' taste and smell. It is very noticeable to me, as soon as I open the box (so I know it isn't bec...
November 16th
by InIllinois
Union dues wasted on Kamala and Democrats!
Now that pathetic Kamala and the rest of her extremist Democrat cronies have suffered a crushing defeat, how do all of the Kroger union employees feel about the portion of their dues that was donated to these candidates? It is obvious now that no union money should ever be given to any political campai...
November 15th
by Anonymous
free speech and growing economy
Now that we have the alignment in place, Kroger will have to compete for laborers which will cause the management to be respectful to their employees. I love capitalism. It forces management to be nice against their will. Life is looking good. Make Kroger Great Again
November 14th
by Anonymous
What is your store's policy on asking objectionable customers to leave the store for various situations
We had a situation in the Fuel Center last night where a customer called the cashier a b****/f*** you because the clerk asked for ID. She told the cashier "I am black, I don't need to show ID, that is discrimination." Fuel Lead told cashier that she was authorized in that type of situation to ask the custo...
November 14th
by Anonymous