Seems that everyone has a funny story from work if you have been around a while. Had a market manager once follow this one girl around and start to stare at her and making comments about wanting to meet her and asking her out. We guessed her age to be about 20 years old. An old friend of his came up and the...
I spent my first day at Kroger doing computer training modules. Those modules are long, boring, and cheesy. Especially the part with Bob or Bottom Of Bascart . I zoned out on some parts like the one about cutting boxes. I couldnt name the parts of the box cutter for my life! At one point this girl who was on...
Vibenomics is a mess. 90% of the songs are interrupted at least once, sometimes twice, to tell us these shockingly "important" announcements that have already been played tens of thousands of times over the last 6 months. (All customers, associates and vendors must wear a mask when shopping or wor...
You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)
This company does things so badly it just pissed me off. Always treating everything like a surprise and improvising when you need to always think first. Without going into detail, it just sucked and made me wonder what the scam was this time. My medical stuff is none of their business. It also occur...
How do you clean up a mess of diarrhea? One of my co-workers told me that he had to assess the situation before. I don't think spill magic solves it, because you'll literally get sh** all over your broom. I figure any cleaning tool should never be used again after using it for that purpose. I could use good...
Not too long ago my store got a cleaning bot which can be done manually but they prefer it to be done on robot 80% of the time. Is this widespread? If other stores got this, what is your experience with it? because I find the auto mode a pain since it can't do anything aside from pre-programmed routes (This i...
I received a letter today from an address 3302 McGinnis Ferry Rd Suwannee, GA 30024. But the letter is post marked from Syracuse New York on December 23rd 2020.Also they had only one e in Suwannee. I googled the address and it is some office for UFCW Local 1996. Copy and paste this in google.https:/...
The new policy for friendliness is a joke and like being in grade school... next step is a hall pass to use the restroom. What they want us to say sounds like a robot. Moreover the policy can be used by less ethical management to get rid of associates they don't like or want. Kroger obviously does not tr...
I signed up for the Corona virus shot late last month. Then earlier this week there was a document posted at the time-clock with the website link posted where you could make an appointment, but that link would not work. So, the pharmacy at the location I work at is currently giving the corona virus shot t...
When I was setting up my fingerprint 2 years ago, I placed both of my fingers in a way that it could only work if you put it in that exact spot (don't ask me how). I started getting my nails done a little over a year ago and I'm sick of putting myself in pain to clock in. I talked to someone I knew who had a pin ring...
every where i ever worked black people never do more than the min. i not racist this coming from experience. ex. night stock indianapolis kroger black man named derek anderson been with the company almost 20 years shift from 9-5am he gets the min done stops at 4am. others are working till 6am sometimes...
It never fails. If you ask her to do something even as simple as passing a piece of paperwork to you when she's standing next to it, she won't do it. She starts demanding to know why you can't do it. It's like she thinks if she helps even a little, it will be a sign of weakness.
title says it. my boyfriend was hired, worked, and was fired for cutbacks after a year. another year goes by and he reapplied and got PT courtesy clerk. he got told he needed to take fourteen days off because he was exposed along with a lot of other employees (60% of their paychecks would be theirs). so.....
Why does a dept. that still with this pandemic going on bring in such little money to the store have so many people? Always receiveiving negative customer reviews about being in the way are so highly praised? Our pick-up dept works night shift sits back in their room and talks for hours at a time at the be...
It starts by saying "For the past four years, Barbara has focused on making her associates feel good about the work that they do." But the reallity is there was a problem in one dept where the managers weren't keeping up on key retailing and blamed it all on one accociate and our "s...