Mods: please delete threats that talk about porn. These threads are starting to appear again and should not be allowed. The report link is broken again.
Once direct deposit is in place. the money actually deposited to hour account? Midnight night before? Day of in store check delivery? Just when.
We still need to be paid extra monies since the pandemic is still very active and we have to deal with stupid self loathing people everyday then most. Kroger is a cheap ass company with ceo making way to much for doing nothing. Hurr durr iN bE4oRE eUiD UnKoWn KnOw iT aLl cHiMeS iN DeRP!
Every one has one on a forum who is it here? They would pretty much love making the associate miserable and take anything they earned away. Also they would act like they know EVERYTHING! Hopefully though this forum is free of a shill
I just want to say I just saw your Christmas commercial and I have to say you all look very ridiculous with those masks on. It's not a very inviting or welcoming look.
Too many come in my store buying up all the food and taking up over half the aisle shopping. One of them bought all the Twinkie packs... why are the people in bakery always so fat at these stores? Do they eat more than they sell? Always short and fat and sweaty. Who wants to buy breads from the sweaties? Even...
I didnt use enough wires on the bail and when I loaded it in the truck it came Undone... I quickly closed the door and walked away quick. Also forget to plug up the jack. ohwell not my problem i guess
I am not sure where to begin as the problems with Kroger are more numerous then I believe I can recall in one sitting. This is from the perspective of an associate and I don't know for sure if the problems are my single store, district wide or state or national. List of issues I have noticed over the years:...
So I was driving up to my local Kroger. I had my scanner on and on and got a signal on the Walkie Talkie channel 1 "Attention Associates new order. It played twice I am pretty sure it was from the store other stores in the area do use same radio's and the same frequencies but this was a strong signal so it was f...
Is your store having one? My two local Krogers are but the thing us Im actually a valued customer at both but I asked to participate any way. I was generous this holiday year and decided to donate 20 gifts of soap to both stores! Thankfully some ASSociates will benefit from this kind gesture as well as the...
...And I have had just about every symptom in the book, including loss of taste and smell, night sweats like you wouldn't believe, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, disorientation, difficulty concentrating, and a cough that will just not go away, among many other t...
Dear instacart shoppers: I am so sick you shoppers failing to organizing your **** when you get to the damn register. Please organize your order before you come or better yet as you shop. With covid and the six foot rule it is unacceptable to hand every ****en item to the cashier for processing. Please s...
I wish people would JUST SLOW DOWN! I almost got fender-bended a month ago and numerous times customers (some using their own personal scooters) have almost been hit. What will ot tale tp get these idiots to stop hitting the gas?!?
Kingwood Texas Kroger. Walked up to sandwich bar. Crickets, employee, a 600 lb Goliath was whiney and crying. I was never trained to make a sandwich waaa. Sista in da chicken booth disappeared. Now I go to da sandwich bar every time I'm there f... off