Anyone else tired of telling people our store is out of hand sanitizer so too is the county? I had a lady scold me for not having any and was a b-i-tch about it and didn't believe me when I told her you can't find any any where in this area. And that's just the beginning... Thanks for making my day lady! Your su...
If you aren't in charge right now, do you really think you'll be in charge if/when socialism strikes in this country? I have a problem with agnostic/atheistic hourly workers. I won't say it to your face necessarily when I'm working with you, but when you complain about getting stiffed by management...
she walks past you to shop for some things. Meanwhile, her boyfriend is standing at the end of the aisle with their shopping cart, waiting for her, but is staring dead at you the whole time as if he's making sure you dont look at his girl. Has this stupid ass occurrence ever happen to anyone else on here? I...
So i am a former employee..worked there til August last year. I got two things in the mail a while ago from kroger and assumed one was the w-2. Turns out they were both about here I am with a tax appt on Friday and no w-2 from them. Is my best bet to go in person tomorrow (thursday) and hope they c...
So my store manager told me today starting soon, customers wont have to buy in increments of 5 on the buy 5 save $5 deals they just have to buy at least five. The Increments of five was one of the only remaining safeguards against the coupon shoppers. This is going to be horrible once the coupon shoppers f...
Well, they're new to us. They said they used to be in Jay C stores. Anyway, I have and I have to say they're not very good. In fact, the actual dough is horrible. It's just a vehicle to carry the fruit filling and icing. The regular pastries like schnecken, bowties, coffee cakes, sticky buns, and ci...
Hand sanitizers, cleaning wipes (when the regular wipes are pretty close to sold out people are buying the Huggies baby wipes), TONS of water. Same thing happening in your store? Panic buying in the Local 1996 Atlanta GA area! course, as is typical of Kroger, the brief news story leaves MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS, such as whether this is referring to online ordering (Clicklist), or actu...
Anyone got smart safes installed in their stores? Basically a safe that takes work away from accounting and has cashiers sign in and out with fingerprint scanner
Especially when you ask me to go out there in torrential rain like you did the other day which in turn I got sick the following day and had to call out!!! Besides we didn't have that many loose carts out there anyway.
I am a Drug GM ADL, but they also use me as backup receiver. Our current receiver gets 6 vacations a year. Shouldn't I get relief pay for receiving just like I do when my Drug GM Dept Lead is on vacation ???!!!!!! They just using me and it's really making me MAD AS HELL