You bring your own bags (and have those annoying white bags for your produce You hold up customers in line behind you when you are tying up every single bag in your cart (usually this applies to black people only) You purchase any of the following products: Only2 bananas You *insist* on paper bags-fo...
Kroji's Easy for You Seafood Customers who try and push their "green" agenda on us Adorbs/Cuties Any CBD/Hemp products (as a Christian, I find it immoral that Kroger sells these items)
Same thing at your store? We have to chase them away from the front of our store and tell them they can't be bothering our customers for money. It's getting ridiculous.
The union rep and store manager are tools, and I told the rep to his face today I don't want his representation I only call if I have a pay issue. He said I can send an email saying I don't want his representation, I'm fine with doing that, but I will not be paying the union if that happens. What's the nationa...
Something is going on. Yesterday we were suppose to get in 78 pieces. We only got 36. Today, not only were we still missing the rest of yesterday's order, but we were also missing 18 pieces from today's order. To make matters worse, management had me mark on the bill yesterday what items were missin...
I have been working for Kroger about 7 years, and about 5 years ago got a job level that is guaranteed 40 hours unless I am demoted. I looked up my eschedual and at the end of the month I only have 16 hours! I havent been demoted or told to step down, and nobody is giving me answers. Even if i was demoted without...
Wendy McCarty, a VP of Louisville Division abruptly left the company today. Division president has cancelled all scheduled store visits this week. Any clue whats going on?
I had to do a WBL today (along with several other people) about store security. In the section about computer security it said to be careful on social media that we did not give out store confidential info plus several other items. I feel that as long as you don't ID yourself say on Facebook that you work a...
Can management force you to have open availability if you are full time? Its not written anywhere in the union contract.Manager said it was a verbal agreement between Kroger and the union. I recently became full time. Schedule was made without my knowledge or consent of changes. Union says I have to j...
The person in charge of hiring hired multiple new people for my department without talking to anyone. The head of our department tried to work around it by giving them training hours because they do need to be trained, but the store manager chewed him out. He ended up sending the new guy home. So are the...
So at first I thought I was a crazy b****. At my store the time clocks (additionally they put the riding carts exactly next to the time clocks) are located in a corner and in order to get to them you have to walk through self checkout. I swear every-time I get to the clock and clock in or out, its a customer in m...
Couple of times I have had women start labor in my line ("I am 5 centimeters dialated!") and sometimes elderly customers request a chair to sit down in. Have you ever had a customer have a serious medical emergency in your store and what happened?
Today they asked me to dump garbage in our stockroom and in one of our trash bins, I found 2 packages of unopened chocolate chip cookies and a busted open 12 pack of coke. (Some cans were leaking, so I took the unopened ones). The cookies were expired by a couple days. I took them from the trash bin and put th...
I've been at Kroger for a couple of years now. I normally just cashier (which I like) but once or twice a week I'll sometimes be have a shift at customer service (which I don't like as much but I put up with it) and on rare occasions I'll have to do self scan (if someone is on vacation. I hate doing it). I'd hone...