Today when I was clocking out for lunch, my store director said "if you want to take 30 min lunch please do." I just did a little chuckle but didn't say anything. An hour later when I clocked in they got mad. Why get mad when I chose to take an hour lunch rather than a 30 min lunch? Is it becauis they had to han...
How many Kroger employees are going to this? Is Kroger sponsoring this? Who the hell is dumb enough to spend $85 and up on this ching chong meaningless jumping around "performance?" What does dance have to do with Communism? Is there a s...
How did the roll out go out for the rest of the company? Everyone's schedule been mucked up the past few months. We recently signed an attendance flyer again because we had too many call outs because of it.
Dear kroger: You do not run a good company. it's terrible on the inside and you at corporate level live in a fantasy world. I don't blame staff for quitting at an alarming level. I set a goal to quit in 4 years time and I am finding something new after done with
I heard that you can check thr order capacity on clicklist/pickup and put a cap on how many orders you can get in a day. I am clicklist/picklist backup and we have an overabundance of orders every damn day with NO help or resources to do it all. I know how to do the refunds, print extra receipt copies, prep-...
Been with this company 15 years and last year this company made it clear what side of the equation they land on for me. Zero career advancement. Will throw me under the bus and repeatedly deny me any advancement opportunities. It took a life long repetitive injury to get me out of my last department due t...
So I took all my vacations back to back at the start of the year after the first week of January. They've been approved. I have 5 weeks and 5 personal days. Im full time. Is there anything the company can do to me or anything the manager can do to screw with me? If I quit after my last personals are used can they...
what does Kroger look for in their employees??? My application was turned down and HR won't tell me or the PHARMACY MANAGER WHO TOLD ME TO APPLY why I was turned down. This is a terrible business plan because how can I possibly improve myself if I don't know what I did wrong to begin with??????? I would nev...
Work made it clear what side of the boat they stand on for me this year. Been burned twice for two could of been promotional opportunities and got written up for a policy I didn't know about. I have no faith left in this company. Work has made it all to clear that they do not care about me and I am just a disposa...
Complained she didn't get her 3 cents off on gas. Told her it is a standard deduction for everyone and that you don't need a KrogerPlus card to get it. Sometimes I want to tell them "I don't give a d*** about your fuel points!!" Claimed that the pump was wrong!!
I was talking to a co-worker and they told me that their getting screwed on their vacation. They are allowed to take it when they want. The kicker is that they take it and not get paid for it or work on their vacation so they can be paid. Wouldn't this violate some rules in the contract and just in general cau...
I'm full time. During holiday weeks I'm only scheduled 32 hours because I get 8 hours legal holiday pay and that counts towards my 40 hour work week. If I work more than 32 hours during a holiday, I get paid overtime. So I just happen to look at my timecard for last week and it says I worked 37.75 hours plus th...
Kroger by law you still have to mail out our w2 forms. Tax season hasn't already begun and you're forcing us to get it online. If you download it online you're forced to pay the access fee just to get it.
I've dealt with senior and young customer with really thick accent. And the young customer pulls her phone out to record me and report me for discrimination on social media. Store Director tried so hard to understand what they are saying, but store director be saying "I'm hard hearing" well, it's an l...
I found a way to reduce my PPH (Picks per hour) when doing three e-comm shopping. When I Scan onto the Zebra and select my order, I pick thr order as usual. Then I unassign myself from the order making it 'available.' I wheel the trolly to the back by our station, log vack in to "pick the order" scan it out and...