Why cant the warehouse get **** straight..Picture after picture sent to them complaining about how they stack and wrap our items. Heavy items placed on light items. Why do they even put an arrow on the box if the warehouse throws it on there anyway they want. If our Kroger stores operate like the wareho...
I work at a kroger in the Mid-Atlantic region and hear that the negotiations for our next contract will begin at the end of august. And in the few meetings so far, Koger has been(according to our union rep) ugly. Anyone out there heard anything? Also if we were to go on strike, could we do any work while...
Secretly screw an hourly associate what would the consequences be? I saw a similar post and was like holy crap that's happening in my store too.. Would it be as simple as someone being transfered or what?
Hello everyone, I work for a Ralph's store as a courtesy clerk (2.5 years). I was wondering if anyone can provide me with information regarding the termination process. 2 of my managers have been threatening to "terminate" me recently - about 3 times in the last month. However, my cowork...
I am a part time employee with over 5 years with Kroger. I want a Night Grocery manager bid. Why do I want the job? I draw a blank but want to say, " I want full time status and the payrate!" I do not know enough of the lingo for Key Retailing. I could also use pointers on how to prepare for an inter...
I know that write ups expire 6 months or so after being issued. My co-worker/brother told me he had previous write ups that had been expired plus a brand new one. Well now he's on suspension pending termination; our manager said if he goes to arbritatiall all old write ups go "live" again. So...
hey guys, ive been working at a Dillons store for about a year now and i am absolutely tired of them taking full advantage of the fact that we are non-union. The other day i watched the store manager go the hell off on some poor replenishment clerk that was litterally working his butt off keeping the water...
I have been working at krogers as a courtesy clerk for about two months now. Ever since I started working, my availability has been set for me being available on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and unavailable on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I am going out of town this Sunday (tomorrow), b...
Payday is on Thursday at my store. I'm always off on Thursdays. I don't go near the store unless I'm really desperate. I wait and get mine on Friday. Never fails though there are a good 50 people who come strolling in the store to get their check. WTF is wrong with these people? It's your day off and y...
I am trying to get a part time job at a local Kroger here in Michigan. I only need to work 20 to 24 hours max per week. I do have a limited schedule where I can only work four days per week. Will Kroger just give me the 12 hour minimum or can I get at least 20 hours working Friday thru Monday ?
I finished my training for the courtesy clerk position and i'll be starting first day at work tomorrow. Where and who should i report to first and is there anything i need to bring? also if you have any helpful tips that would be great!
My department head is getting rediculous. Yesterday he was bitching about the truck not being done. The truck was two hours late, hours were cut more than usual. Last night we were short handed as we always are on saturday night. We left an aisle and a half and blue totes unfinished. Now here is the good p...
as a utility clerk, i do a majority of cleaning the store, making sure the cart corral are clean, and making sure the carts are clean for our customers. The courtesies help clean too, but a majority of the time they are used for bagging, cart service, and assisting customers. well, we have this one guy in...
I have been with Kroger little bit now and I recently finished my degree in IT/Networking and I remember being told when I was first hired that Kroger has an IT department and as an employee it might be easier for me to move into a position working there. I actually have some previous experience in the IT f...
I feel like a complete newb even though I've been with kroger for a few months now. I'm reading all these topics about 'checking your contract' and 'read your union book' and I feel like I'm part of a different company because I've never received a union book and have no idea how to access my contract. Is i...
I called in sick on monday with 1 hour, 45 minute notification prior to the start of my shift (only needed 1 hour notification). Today I got called upstairs and they were going to write me up for a no call, no show. Apparently there's a new procedure that front end people have to call the highest ranked man...