I called in sick on monday with 1 hour, 45 minute notification prior to the start of my shift (only needed 1 hour notification). Today I got called upstairs and they were going to write me up for a no call, no show. Apparently there's a new procedure that front end people have to call the highest ranked man...
Can management switch your departments with out asking you for Permission. I wordoin the service desk and they have me working ing grocery for a couple weeks so they can get vacations out but I don't want it to be permanent
I'm about to start working at Kroger and was wondering if they allow facial hair? Since I can't have it during the school year, I'm growing it out now in the summer while I can.
We have a temp manager coming to manage our store for about a week while our main manager takes care if personal business. Now I know assistant managers can fire as well if need be, but everything major goes through our store manager. So my question is this, can a manager from another store fire you? Or do...
I'm just curious if any one else works at a store that suffers the same kind of problem we've been having as of late. We used to have six motorized shopping carts for our elderly/disabled shoppers. Now we have three. Occasionally, we would get a phone call from a resident informing us someone had left on...
Ok, I am on one of my days off (reduced hours, not regular day off) and in my store purchasing something with my debit card when this customer decides to get up close and personal. I ask politely to step back and instead of doing ad I asked, they remain in the same spot. I ask again...they remain. So I sigh lo...
I have a friend that works in the store all I hear is bad things about key retaiing.. Im wondering why the company thinks this would be a good thing for fuel to be a part of.. im a lead and stay busy enough without more paper work to do. im really not looking forward to this at all.. we start training in4-6 week...
Seems like every time I hit up the old Kroger's, I get to hear this ditty on the PA. I'm glad I don't have to hear that crap several times a shift. Oh, and on an unrelated note (slightly), I've noticed a High Five board or some such on the front end of my regular haunt, I think it has to do something with OSAT's?...
Hi, I just recently applied to Kroger on Saturday the 15th of June. I called on Monday and the hiring woman told me that they have received my application. How long would it take for them to call me for an interview? Or what are the chances of getting a job?
Recently, the eschedule was put into full affect at my store (great right?). However, before this and for two years I was getting 40 hours and to what I thought was status 3 because I remember signing the paperwork at the same time as receiving FULL TIME healthcare. I found out just days before the esche...
I have a lot of questions and I know I should wait until tomorrow, but it's eating me up inside! My town just opened a new "super Kroger" ( I don't know if it'll sell clothes and electronics and ect.) and I'm sixteen. My older sister used to work at Kroger and she said that customers will try to tr...
I'm sixteen and I just got hired as a cashier. I went to orientation thinking my job was in they bag. Then, the orientation director gave us this packet of papers to sign and one paper said to fill out what hours we're available on which days. I thought the whole reason we were hired because we were availab...
i got promoted from part time stocking clerk to frozen food lead on may 5th.my union(ufcw 1996) contract says that a full time employee is someone who is hired for full time and is scheduled 40hrs per week or any other employee who is scheduled for 40hrs for 8 consecutive weeks. Im on my 8th week(i hope) m...
So i recently turned 18 and my store manager was itching to promote me to grocery since the january. I thought getting this promotion would be awesome but it turns out i was wrong. I dont like not being able to talk to the customers. I liked being a bagger because its just what o was good at. I have been debat...
So, today I got an email from my regional that all meat and seafood managers will be required to attend a series of 3 meetings on Key Retailing wave 5. Which apparently includes some massive update to cao. Fred Meyer is always kinda behind the rest of Kroger in implementing things, so have any of you, fel...
i am a night crew manager. We have a new grocery manager who doesn't do much but let management make decisions and do his work for him. He has no idea what nights is about and like every other night crew expects us to rebuild the store every night. First off i have only 3 full time stockers including myse...
Former Psychiatrist and award winning novelist M. Scott Peck's first line in his book The Road Less Traveled read: "Life is difficult." Especially so now, with the job market in the shape it's in. There are many of us who have been in our jobs for a very long time, and the very thought of havin...