This happens several times a week. I'm almost 40 and I have customers a few years younger than me b-itch and complain about having to get their i.d. for an age restricted sale. You come into the store to buy booze. You know you're more than likely going to basked for i.d. You are say 32 and refuse to bring it...
These are some thoughts re. work place practices that have done very well for me for a long time. I was in retail for many years, and tho I work for a factory now these policies apply any where. So: * Bottom line, it's a job. Not your life. Don't make it that way. Filter everything you do there based on what y...
Kroger just gave me a good reason not to cover my coworker's @$$es any more. Fu-ck it! Last time I cover for someone who called out 2 hrs before their shift. Everyone was in a foul @$$ mood that day. While I'm all for being on call you could at least respect me for covering someone's @$$ rather than being sni...
Now if you don't say hello how are you and thank for shopping at Kroger. You will be sent home or suspended after 3 times. Kroger is an adult work environment right? Or is this grade school again. Instead of encouraging people to say hello and trusting associates they do this bull**** to punish us if...
Have any of you had your store close for what ever reason, and you had to be transfered to another one? What have been the affects of that? We lost one of our four in my city and the closest one to where it was has doubled in both employees and customer traffic----but with limited space and no where to expand... article, just published. Anyone here that worked at that store? Are the reasons given true? The article says a lot of items on shelves d...
I am no longer working for Kroger but I need copies of my pay stubs. The site is for current employees only, so my login no longer works. How do I get them?
Ok, this needs talked about. This business of BLM. If you're reading this and you represent that movement, understand something: riotiing, looting, blocking traffic, disrupting civil life and otherwise causing terrorism isn't doing anything that's going to help. Understand that. If all you'...
An enthusiastic young fellow approached me asking about how the sore is organized. Turns out he wanted to leave his resume with the best manager for the department he is interested in. I told him they want it on-line. I wanted to warn him but HR will ask if he has had any contact with any employees, who...
Just zero respect for it. The microwave was removed because some one had put a turd in there and turn it on. Needless to say it exploded inside and I couldnt warm up my lunch. Another employee told me this last night.
Due to the general state of disarray, I found myself going from GM clerk to GM manager with everyone hoping I can turn it around after having worked at a different store that ran smoothly. Problems include: * Overflowing repack * Shelves aren't set properly * Load is never getting finished. DDS predic...
My sister has been working at Kroger in produce for over a year. She is not considered a full time employee. Does she get any kind of health insurance?
I generally don't write f-u-ck you posts but here we go as I'm getting sick of these people: Fu-ck you anti mask wears. Stop being dicks and @$$ holes regarding the whole thing. I have run into some rather unpleasant shoppers and well I'm sick of taking your gentle abuse with good humor 6 months of being h...
1. Stop smelling like ASS it's disgusting. 2, See rule number 1 3. Brush your teeth and ass 4. Honor our coupons expired, copied, or multiple coupons of the same item. 5. Bag our food the way we tell you. 6. Stop smelling like marijuana. 7. Answer all questions when asked. 8. Don't tell us to wear masks we d...