I was recently promoted to department manager. Is there a minimum amount of time I have to wait before I can step back down into a different department? Specifically, I make ~21/hr, and grocery night crew clerk makes 19 for less than a fraction of the work and I don't see the amount of work I have as manage...
Hey Kroger-how about getting the FACTS on George Floyd, Aumnad Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others before you decide that it was "tragic" that they died the way they did? Stop shoving your liberal agenda down my throat and get the damm FACTS first before you deicide that the cops got it all wrong!
Someone did a demonstration on tv where they test surfaces in retail public areas and came up with about one third covid positive. We disinfect surfaces that are expected to be maybe touched, sort of. We have a vague list of many things to be disinfected every hour while multitasking and kissing cust...
I am a kroger employee and i have been letting my parents use my employee discount card! I do not live with my parents and i do not drive so i let them use my fuel points! I was just wondering if this would be considered okay or if i shouldn't let them use my card?
Today as I was doing carts, I happened upon a wallet left in the parking lot. I checked inside for ID and all there was $580.00 cash plus an expired credit card from 2019; no other identification whatsoever. So I kept thr $580.00 cash and tossed out thr expired credit card. You cant use it for anything any...
Ive been stealing a lot of little things from my store lately. I feel its a small kick in the nuts to this store to lose money but also these little things I snag are useful to me as well. Recently I walked out with 6 blu ray movies. All I did was walk out the same time a customer did but before that I stuck one of t...
For real, every time I shop at a Kroger all the staff practically run up to greet me with this half cadaver-limp fish / 'please Jesus someone kill me NOW' affect about them, even as they say 'Hi, how afre you today?' Or 'Finding everything ok?' I've taken to saying to them 'Dude, I know what you're going t...
Funny the mods will remove posts but there's some very racist posts on this webstie and the mods will remove posts trashing them but won't clean up this damn webstie. I'm just going to keep reposting this until you do something. The report link button fails to work. I know this is kroger sucks but some of...
I will start: 1. Bag of weed left in a small cart 2. $5K Chanel purse 3. Not the lot but some genius taped a used condom to one of our SCO units 4, Gucci purse (not as expensive as the Chanel.) 5. A bunch of money over the years 6. Not the lot but found a $100 bill in the women's handicap stall 7. Not the lot but s...
Do you have to wine and complain your way through self check out? You're screaming and yelling at fu-cken computers. I'm tired of listening to people become miserable at machines all damn day. Go to a register if these things are too difficult for you. I try my hardest but is your soul goal for the day to...
Have y'all changed over to the having to come in early and spot everything? Can't leave aisle and everyone has to take a break at the same time? Who came up with this crap. Work off the pallet and not touch 4 times. So dumb and adds more work.
Aren't the prices on ClickList higher then actually going into the store for the same items? If so, you need to save some money and get your lazy butt IN the store to shop!
I was looking at my check ever since i passed my two month probationary period now, im getting union dues taken out of my check. I understand the logic, however I have Union Dues, and Union Arrears, which i assume are back dues. How many weeks of back dues are they going to take? I mean they are taking 1...
To the many, In this chaotic time, Kroger is seeing a Great Burnout of many of it's workers. From the very top to the very bottom of the hierarchy.Corporate level to the very departments in which you work, day to day, hour by hour. There is an exhaustion of it's members, physically, mentally, and emoti...
This afternoon our FES handed out these tiny "Certified Friendly" buttons-about the size of a dime and read us individually a statement about smiling, being friendly the usual Kroger BS. I said my standard answer that "I own my face and my smile." She slinked away. I am wearing my button upside down, a...