So Im going to school for pharmacy technician and I should be starting my clinical next year. I was trying to see if Kroger allows internet training before or during the program and if so how many hours and if I could used Kroger as an experience for my resume/ clinical rotation form? Could I talk to one of...
A Kroger Cashier was suspended after a customer used a family memeber's kroger card which had the employee discounts, It was NOT the cashier's kroger card or employee discount, and it was NOT the cashier's fault. She is suspended until the Union makes a decision to fire the cashier or let them continu...
The new bowties and bowtie coffee cakes we make are really good. Everybody in the department liked them. The pre-made croissants filled with either apple, cream cheese, or raspberry filling are horrible. Nobody in the department liked them.
Unfortunately Im not going into too much details but its been an ongoing problem since I started working in Grocery and these two girls have been entirely into bullying me about my hair ( black American women) (I am also a black American woman) from it being in its natural puff or Afro or if I get braids or...
Our department, is short staffed, high turn over, over worked staff, cut hours (not one person is f.t.) and management grumbles about sh---it not getting done. Load orders mucked up and often shorted on product because no one knows how the f* to place an order..... After 5 months of our department loo...
Department manager seemed to hired least 1 or 2 lazy people to work in the department. In lieu to make up the loss of productivity, department manager will assign 1 employee as the scapegoat also managed to influenced tons of employees to begin pushing the assigned scapegoat. Is this nation wide amo...
Why do people respond to posts that are weeks. months, or even years old? Don't they look at the date of the original post and realize that the issue has either already been resolved or the poster has moved on?
Our store recently got a few new managers and the current on in charge is sort of a b***h. Moral is so low right now people are quitting and transferring out. Current staff is worked to exhaustion and so tired they're starting to call out left and right. Our manager has nuisance written up several people...
What I don't get is when they hire staff on then treat them like cra--p and find some half affed excuse to fire them. Only to have the employee go to Costco and thrive in that environment. Costco is super strict and non union. Flakes get weeded out fast and don't last long. Kroger is begging for staff but th...
It is such a waste of time, especially for us in the Fuel Center because most of the stuff has nothing to do with us. We have had specific training that we did months ago (fire at the pump/pumps going out of order/closing procedures). Our Admin was telling me that if people won't do it they will get written...
STOP asking for everything to be double-bagged-even that ONE item you purchased STOP looking at the screen when the cashier is ringing your order like she has the TIME to cheat you! STOP tieing up your bags after the bagger puts them in the cart and STOP lining them up all in a row in said car STOP coming u...
Hey i was a Kroger employee in the 1970s and have a stock certificate and a bond certificate - I am trying to see if there is still a record of me and if there is a way to cash these out - any ideas?
[removed IP] Been using the Forum for a long time. Don't know why blocked. Posting from my phone -- Edited by Admin on Friday 3rd of May 2024 07:45:31 AM
Hi, does anyone know how long it takes to get vacation paid out for non union stores? My last day worked was 4/25. However my two week notice stated that my last day would be 4/28. Paycheck comes in today and its for the last week I worked. Does anyone know when the vacation payout is for non-union stores? A...