After some deliberation we have decided that the best course of action to keep the community civil and create a place where this topic can be discussed freely - here is your area to vent your frustrations and opinions. We are aware that COVID and virus prevention/mandates can be a volatile and highly p...
I'm surprised she's lasted half way through the probationary period. She only shows up 2 out of 5 shifts and really abuses the call out privilege. Shows up for 2.5 shifts then calls out for 2-2.5 shifts. In a kiosk job where it goes unnoticed when an employee isn't there; let's just say sales have plumme...
My store manager is a fraud to force customers at closing time. Mean while tills are pulled, sco closed. Customers are bi-tching up a storm about not being able to buy anything. Sorry but that's not how the business world works. All customers out at closing time. N.c. can harass the stragglers to get ou...
Theft is worse than ever! Yesterday our front end manager pulled a cart full of Pampers diapers (large box) from a shoplifters hand. The woman was tugging it back from our front end manager until the cart fell over on its side. I helped kick the fallen product away from the shoplifter while other co-wor...
Please be patient with the cashiers that actually show up to work. I can not tell you how many people get pissy about there being no cashier in the evening hrs or after a certain hour. I can not tell you how many people just stair at the registers hoping that a cashier will magically appear. I can not tell...
Now that my eyes are open to seeing theft; I'm noticing that sco generates a shi-t load of theft. When the machine says help is on the way for a miss scanned item: It's true! The customer is lying when they say "I don't need any fu-cken help." Bull-sh-it you scanned an item and it didn't register or you're...
Customers: The customer service desk is for returns, lotto, tobacco/liquor sales, money orders and <15 items. Please stop thinking customer service is a full register and please for the love of god stop brining up larger than 15 item orders to customer service desk. The register is set up for sma...
Our starbucks is so short staffed it isn't uncommon for there to be no staff for prolonged periods of time. Please stop requesting for service if the closed sign is up and no one is there. Your goal should not be to find the closest associate. (Most likely the nearest cashier) and harass them to call th...
Dear cusotmers: Please stop returning items that are older than 30 days. The return policy is 15 days and we only started enforcing it because people got pissy with us over returning items from 30+ days ago. At my store you will be refused a return older than 15 days. We're not there to refund your money...
anybody else here this too hearing even dept heads can not make schedules soon do they really want all dept heads to quit or step down this was the ONLY somewhat perk of being one
Kroger just did themselves in. they enabled the chip readers on their POS terminals. At the same time they forced chip enabled debit cards to provide their pins, the credit option was no longer available. I'm seeing major pushback from the customers with whole carts being abandoned. I don't know abo...
Are we able to use personal days for calling out sick? Co worker called out sick but was told we can't use personal days for being sick. -- Edited by BigEyedFish on Sunday 23rd of January 2022 05:28:52 PM
Hey, I took a Kroger saliva test today, 38 hours clean from THC. I know. STUPID STUPID STUPID. I'm never taking a risk like this again. I've learned my lesson, but now I'm looking forward nervously. I want your opinions, you guys. Did I pass? Also, I want your own personal stories. Share them! So, here...