In our area, Dayton-Cincinnati, the delis are running with just one clerk + one chicken person on Sundays. On the busiest day of the week. What gives? All we are doing is getting complaints about people having to wait 20-30 minutes at the deli counter. And the whole time the customers are waitin...
Hello, I work at a King Soopers and I was wondering if I am allowed to have another job while on an educational leave of absence. I am in a completely different city than where my current job is. I would like to know if I can get in trouble for having even an on-campus job while my leave is still in effect. Th...
Anyone else have an insane amount of call outs at their store? We're so understaffed it's ridiculous. One person is already doing the job duties of 2-3 people. When someone calls out nothing gets done because we can't even do the basics of our job duties. One of my coworkers keeps calling out and says I'...
Kroger stock just took a split and the stock keeps climbing up and up it appears and everything just seems so peachy and perfect according to the higher ups in the company, but don't let appearances deceive you. They don't even realize what is coming to this company and within the next 20 years it will g...
Lately when I go to my local Kroger after work the deli and bakery are closed. This is usually between 6:40 and 7 pm. And when I go to check out there is usually only one regular register open and a huge backed up line and the self checkout. To make a long story short a few times I did the survey on the receip...
Is it normal to feel this exhausted on your days off to the point where you just have to stay in bed all day long. Our store is so understaffed people are calling out "sick" because they are too tired to work.
So my store, like the other stores, have been reduced to below little to no staff. One person is forced to shoulder the workload of five people. Everyone knows what the smart solution is. Stop cutting hours and staff the departments adequately. But the morons, I mean management, had another less-th...
my store is filled with so many lazy people, its insane. and they have the audacity to put themselves on this pedestal. like we get it, youve been here forever and you think that makes you manager but it doesnt. get over yourself. no matter how many times its brought up to management that these people are...
There was once a topic posted I think it was on this forum. I do not know what happened to it and I do not know the topic name. I have started with the last page 626 from like 2010. I thought this forum was older I thought it started like 2005? Anyway the topic had a video of either a Yugo or Ford Fiesta pushing sh...
Kroger, I laugh at all you faggots who are imprisoned in a relationship. They are worthless. The only men who need their better half were half a man to begin with. Look what I get to do. I wake up, and go surfing in the morning before work. Then I change in my car and head off to my job where I make 110,000 a year...
I really enjoy what I do at Kroger. Its a good mix of physical and mental work and I find it to be quite satisfying. Im just so ****ing tired of having to do other peoples jobs for them. These lazy ****s, who seem to think that theyre the best employees in the store, work, not hard, but medium when its busy...
Anyone else tired of the computer writing the schedule and handing out shi-t-ty shifts? Our staffing is so bad it's beyond the point of a bad joke. One individual running each department is fu-cken bu-ll shi-t. The most senior person gets full 40 (generally.)The second most senior person gets rema...
You said Hello? Bot said Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us today. Before I can help connect you to an agent, I need to gather some 8/14/2021 4:33:16 PMBot said Can you tell me your first name? at 8/14/2021 4:33:16 PMYou said Hulk Hogan at 8/14/2021 4:36:54 PMBot sa...
Covid cases are on a huge rise. Is your store doing its part to keep things clean or are they saying they are and just not doing ****. Those over speaker announcements are fake talking about clean ping and sanitizing. pFFT