First 60 days
Why Kroger Sucks
I'm less than a week into the job and I'm struggling. I'm a cashier and one of the front end managers told me that I should be up to speed in two more weeks. How likely is it that I could be fired if I'm not? I think I'm doing okay, I'm just slow, but I feel confident that I'll get faster as I gain more confidence....
New App: PLU Finder (for cashiers and customers)
Why Kroger Sucks
Hello everybody and I am just writing this to mention a new app I have been writing for the past week. This app searches items and returns the PLU code for that item for those ones you can never remember. You can search by item or PLU #. Right now it's only on google play so here is the link: here. Note that i...
New Cashier - Getting Heat For Ring Tender
Why Kroger Sucks
I'm a new cashier (about 2 monts) and my FEM and CSM are on my ass about my Ring Tender numbers. Admittedly I scored a 72 on the last report . I have been busting my ass doing everything I can think of to speed up my IPM. But's it's hard becasue I'm always on Express. Plus we are near a seniors apartment comp...
Written Up For Ring Tender?
Why Kroger Sucks
I came into work the other day to realize that about 20 of the cashiers in our store had been written up poor their poor ring tender scores? Can they do this? Ring tender is such a dumb system that measures in absolutely no way how fast a cashier is!!! Is there any sort of action we can take?
A vent!
Why Kroger Sucks
So, I feel that I need to vent here...thanks in advance for listening, lol! I recently had my first night as a cashier on my own, without training. Now, I've worked in grocery before, YEARS ago, so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing, I just basically needed training on Kroger's policies. So, I get a...