I know this might be controversial to say. Okay, first just let me say I hate Kroger corporate. I know there are a lot of things wrong with the company. All I'm saying is (which I never thought I would ever say) is I am thankful I work in the grocery industry right now. My immediate family members, extended...
Me and 4 other full-time employees at my store received our bonus checks yesterday and were talking to eachother and found out that we all received a different amount after taxes?The one who received the most ended up with around $260 and the lowest with $210 ,and me and two other people are at varying a...
Hello all. I have an almost 200 Gigabyte speed internet connection that is solid. I tested my connection but for the Feed website, it is slow to get to the login page and then after I attempt to log in, I get an administrator error saying to contact you@you.yourpage.com or something like that to repor...
I was caught smoking a cigarette on company time. The girl that turned it in said I was smoking pot. So they called me into the office and were VERY disrespectful towards me. The manager was literally yelling at me and speaking negatively about my character. I took the managers out back and showed t...
the only reason they are paying extra money is because they are getting the bail out money if it wasn't for that the wouldn't do a damn thing. enjoy the ride because when this is over hours will be cut bigger than we have ever seen.
With the corona virus spreading like crazy, and still no hazard pay for the employees, at what point would you stop coming to work? For me personally, I would stop coming to work if any employee in my store gets the virus. It doesn't matter which shift they work or which department they are in. The moment...
The other day I was talking a perishable item back to where it needed to go. A person walks past me, turns around, approaches me with a fearful look on their face, and shoves their phone less than two inches from my vision. Didn't speak a word, use sign language, or even made hand gestures. I gave them a ge...
With these next two weeks being the worst itll be, whats standard procedure for this? At this rate Im not even concerned about pay for the week Ill miss. With two sick kids at home and a wife that has to work out of our bedroom for her job right now, its not ideal conditions. I dont want to be a statistic eithe...
Is it wrong of me to wish every Kroger employee of every level in every store would have to self quarantine at the same time? I don't want anyone to die. I just have this fantasy about Kroger Corporate having to deal with this and long lines of customers outside closed stores.
The worst place to be when the s--t hits the fan in this country (chaos/civil war) is... 1) grocery stores 2) gas stations What's everyone's game plan for those of you still working at Kroger if/when "ground zero" takes place? Have you secured rifles/hand guns/ammo/training for the worst case scena...
I had a very horrendous interaction with a very demented customer today that I reported to my neglectful management, but they're not doing jack **** about it so i need your opinions on the matter. I was coming in from break after taking in a bowl of crystal, and upon going up to stock the dairy I can hear li...
Okay, anyone I have anxiety and highly impatient. In my division, were paid on Thursdays (April 2nd) the frontline bonus is added on April 3rd soooooo anyone known if Ill get my bonus this Friday or next Thursday?!?
Okay so with this Coronavirus going around and **** I think its fibally caught up to me. I have asthma and I weight like 350 pounds and Im also a meth addict so this can make You susceptible to disease im sure. So I go into the bathroom and take a huge ****. It was really big, like a French baguette extruding f...
I know RedBox is a rented out space and not Kroger owned but why haven't they shut it down yet? People rent movies, bring them home, and have a high chance of exposing them selves to the virus. The movies never get cleaned. Employees are not allowed to clean the machine because we tried once and the spray m...
There I said it. As this drags on I'm having people b-i-tch at me about not being able to return the item they just fr-gg-en bought by mistake. Then becoming @$$ holes when they can't get their way. Sorry rules are rules if you take it out of the store the current policy is no returns except on perishable it...