All I want to do is warn people not to apply. And don't shop at the Kroger brands. And ask how can we bring the end of such companies closer. Don't think they want any of that. Have any of you been in this group? What is it like?
Anyone else have a shortage? Like eggs, butter, some can goods, sugar and toilet paper? Also lets not forget about having no workers. For the last few weeks Ive been the only day shift grocery worker stocking shelves from when I clock in till 1pm then my manager shows up or they move someone from fro...
Why are almost all the associates fat? I mean I get the bakery cause all those people do is sneak in a donut here and there all day. But cashiers, CCs the dairy and grocery people hell even the store manager has rolls. Its a bit gross. Just to much moisture going in for my taste
In Clarksville Tennessee at Kroger on Dover crossing let people bully employee's and management help them bully a employee a couple of departments it goes on as soon as that young lady gets to work they start talking about her of how she talks to loud and it's not of her not working and making fun of her I'...
Almost a year ago my store hired a guy for a courtesy clerk position. He seemed okay at first until time went on and he started to show how he really was on the job. His more "interesting" key points were this. He just had to have his breaks and lunches as scheduled. That doesn't always happen on the front en...
I had multiple people literally cough in my face today and they were all kids. parents: please make your kids wear a mask and make them wear it correctly. Thank you. You're still contagious in the coughing phase. That's how I got most of my colds. Wear a damn mask or stay the f' home! There is no reason to ta...
Yup, got it removed. And the manager was saying that I am at fault for being too polite which led to (racist) customers being rude. Well I got manager reading about skinheads on her computer tab and got an glimpse manager asking how much they want in bribery. Yup, manager is participating in removing ev...
If you didn't get pay this week due to the kroger merge and are union please go to your union asap! Don't let kroger get away with this. Stealing pay from associates to acquisition a merge. They owe you back pay! Don't let them forget your paychecks!
That's what they said on the news. Pavillions, you don't want to get mixed up with these monsters. They will drag you down. Pavilions employees please comment.
Front-End PIC discriminates an employee because of what she was told to do. She said can't belieave anyone who is not straight. Also Front-End Pic mention, she is an lesson to be learned from. This is when 1 employee complainted about an employee not doing much duties on a 8 hour shift and Front-End PI...
Just zero respect for it. The microwave was removed because some one had put a turd in there and turn it on. Needless to say it exploded inside. Another employee told me this last night.
We had a tornado touchdown they said it was headed straight towards us I could hear the sound written My phone said take cover My boss said just wait a minute. Kroger's has to have some sort of policy for this. Cuz I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to sit in a tiny box surrounded by hundreds of thousands o...
Did you get your raise? Everyone got a contract raise on October 2nd. That raise should be on this paycheck. For some people, it was as much as a dollar.
More ads lately about unspecified "care" available from the pharmacy. I would discourage using them just because Kroger is so darn shady. Always something not quite right and too much important personal stuff is linked in some way to your health maintenance.