a coworker told me that there are divisions/zones where the people with the most seniority store-wide are able to take dept manager jobs (I assume when they become availiable) regardless of experience. This means that Agnes who's worked in the deli for 45 years could suddenly decide she wants to be...
In April I was told that I had two weeks of vacation. Same as last year. So I scheduled my vacations and got the first week off, no problem, got my vacation check no issues. The second week however, they kept rescheduling me and I finally got it. I show up today and have a four hour "personal" tim...
I was just wondering how everyone's stores determine seniority. Before e-schedule started at my store, it was determined solely based on the amount of time worked for Kroger. Now availability is also factored into where you fall in the seniority list. This got me curious as to what kind of calculati...
My husband works for Kroger full time and we are due with our child in 3 weeks. He has no personal days left (due to family issues) and no vacation time. I was hoping someone could tell me i he is entitled to some sort of "maternity" leave (i cant find his handbook). Also, if he is- is it paid time?...
Just curious to why there is no type if security working in store after 11pm when the self checkout cashier is there by their self. I work that shift some and i dont like being there alone like that. To many things could happen and its just not safe.There are some who come in there and look around and leave o...
I'm sorry but,i feel as many at my store that e-schedule has screwed over alot of hard working people who depend on a good amount of hours to support their family. I put in alot of hours before our grand reopennning. Now that we have e-schedule ,and my hour are less i have a hard time making my bills. Now fai...
Day off and I got called in. Oh well. Need the money anyway. Since I'm not on the schedule, will I get the "ring restricted" message when I try to punch in?
So today I'm working the meat/seafood counter when around 8 pm this college age guy walks up. Now, if you ever met me it would be obvious that I am overweight. Not extremely but it's there. The guy says "sup tubbs" I put on a fake smile and answer "how's it going, man?" He then says &q...
So kroger finally decided to put me on schedule after I got of medical leave which was the tenth. My question is should i go back? I have another job already lined up. But I dont start til friday. I get hours but only 25. I get paid but not til after Christmas. I need the money. But Dad is giving me 200 to tie me o...
I was on express HR looking at my profile and came across something that says "Performance excellence discussions" "Next discussion date: 12/16/13." Not sure what that means. Are my manager and supervisor just gonna go over how they think I'm doing so far or something?
The new policy book is a joke! Read page 36. WE have to abide by the Kroger rules, and follow them to a tee, but.. they have the right to change the rules anytime they see fit. O was the Meat manager until Last Tuesday ( I had requested to step down to a grunt on August 1, 2013). Yep, didnt get out of it until Dec...
You know, it doesn't really take that long to make sandwiches. Most people do it in the morning before we get a rush and they're done within an hour. If they make salads too, it might be an hour and a half. But then we have people who make it an all day affair. One woman just goes to the sandwich station and sta...
The last few days, i feel like half of my department is ganging up on one of my coworkers. There was a little bit of a disagreement and a misunderstanding between two coworkers about scheduling. One of them, "A", is mad at "B" because of bumping the schedule without her permissio...
I have a 330p - 10p day next week. It's listed as a 6 hour shift so I guess they put the extra half hour there for a lunch break. If I don't take a lunch break, can I clock out at 9:30?
Ok I had posted a while back (injury question) about my recent injury while im off work. A couple of things have happened since then. 1. the union/kroger denied my pto because I haven't been there two years. and 2. I got transferred during my absence someone from my old store let me know. Now since Im allo...
i am transfering stores here in louisville, ky but i just found out the store im transfering from is holding me from transfering until feuary, its the begining of december. this just doesnt seem right. isnt there a set time limit they cant exceed in holding some one back from transfering to another sto...
I have been working for Kroger 10 years. I don't understand why fuel center employees dont have benefits. There is a full time person that has health insurance and part time but I cant get health insurance. This does not make sense to me.
I have tried to access my Eschedule online and had no problems logging in..but when i click the my Eschedule hyperlink at the top,none my work shifts are there.NONE.Even previous days i'd worked this week.I also tried clicking the my availability tab,and it had apparently been blocked by my adminis...