Hi. I work at a Kroger in Georgia and this March, I'll have been there a year. In that time, I've been a courtesy clerk, a utility clerk in the deli, conditioner for drug/GM. I've been hanging tags on Saturday nights since I started and I've also been making signs for display items and learned how to make t...
So I was checking my schedule online to view it but it is all disappeared. To simplify what I am trying to say is that for the week of dec 8 thru dec 14, my schedule is blank. This isn't an issue or anything as today was my last shift for the week so maybe it is because it is setting up for the next week or somet...
I have been working at Krogers for about a year now as a sacker. We got a couple of new front end managers (both female) about 6 months ago. They don't like me even though I am liked by my customers and co workers Ever since then they have had an agenda to get me to quit or fired by making my time spent at work m...
Due to the upcoming holiday seasons, it is getting busier and busier. Management going crazy because their is not enough help scheduled. We all made suggestions to schedule more help but management says 'we can't (won't) do it.' Then they piss and moan about not enough coverage. I say, who gives a tin...
alright so who do i contact to make sure i should have gotten holiday pay for thanksgiving?? kinda sucks i worked all day thanksgiving and didn't get paid **** for it!
Awhile back we had to wear the shirts that said "so glad you're here." Around that time we also had signs put up that said faster checkouts. Has anyone seen if this is true? Sure isn't at my store. Also I saw in one of our newsletters where our CEO and saviour(a little sarcasm here) Dave Dil...
Why can't our store buy a couple of those "cart pusher" vehicles like the ones that meijer uses? That would make our job 10X easier, especially during the winter when we can get up to a foot of snow.
I worked at kroger for 6 months. Then I got a brain and realized they were either overworking me for way too little pay or I literally had nothing to do but stand there and be bored out of my mind. If any of you people are smart you'll quit while you can. Kroger stinks. If you condition, your managers will ne...
I'm off all this week because of a schedule error at my store. When they re-did the schedules, the senior employees got first pick of the hours. Long story short, there weren't enough hours to go around so I got no hours this week. I also have a sinus infection so I guess it's good luck that it hit when I didn...
I'm a new hire, been on the job for only a few days. It's my first job in retail. My grocery manager will be on vacation this week. We only have two day stock clerks and three night crews. I've got the afternoon/evening shift. It's also when trucks come in. Problem is, I have no idea how to break those down....
The new http://www.greatpeople.me website is a crock of crap. I used it one time from my home computer. What is the point of having an employee website if you can't access it from home. When I get to work there is no time to get on the computer. Sad how they invest money in crap that doesn't help or isn't con...
Ok, I am currently on an unpaid "vacation" of sorts. The reason? I bought a 6 pak beer after work and shoved it into my backpack in the break room. I was off the clock and shoved it in there before going to the toilet. Yeah I could have taken it out then and there but I had to go bad. Anyway I came out o...
Hello! I have a question and could not find any information on it so I would ask here. I have been to two interviews at Kroger and waiting on background/Drug test results. I was called today for an interview at Publix. They are interested and I think they may call back for second interview. Not sure what...
Alright so in my previous post i was asking about changing my permanent availability, so i did what you guys suggested and went to my schedule writer since it wont let me change it from my house. So when giving my new availability my schedule writer told me that she won't change it because she doesn't lik...
I just got done working the past few days while feeling under the weather. Just the other day i worked my entire shift where i was coughing up my lung, vomitting, and sneezing. All while working about 10 feet away from my boss, without him once, not once asking if i was ok. After my shift was over and was wor...
This may be a dumb question but I have been holding onto my college disbursement check for a about 2 months now and I am trying to cash it now but don't want open an account just to cash it. So I was wondering would Kroger cash it? It's for 1,100 dollars. I also heard whatever bank is listed on the check I can ca...
I WAS supposed to be off at 10 am (6-10) and last minute they asked me to work a full shift. I need the cash but reall? I told them nicely NUMEROUS times to let me know IN ADVANCE only for it to be ignored. How do I tell management firmly that I need to know IN ADVANCE being as njce doesn't work.
Anyone notice that the words "schedule" and "Eschedule" have popped up on the threads a lot more in the past few months, and most of the threads have been fairly negative about the whole thing. And it never used to be this way! Don't you just long for the days when the biggest compl...