It seems like they like to drag their feet on legit complaints-were you ever successful in your submission and what eventually happened to your complaint?
yall better have these shelves filled with product before i get there this morning. Maybe if yall put a little effort youd get some kinda hazard pay but at this rate pfft! STOCK THE SHELVES!!
Was told by my manager Kroger Corporate is not letting people change vacation schedules one they are locked in. My manager said "Corporate doesn't care who they p*** off!"-and he's right. They told him that if this happened most people would want to change their vacations to the end of the year. This i...
ALL Mayors and Governors who make it a crime to go out in public without a mask should be sued, fined and thrown in jail themselves for being such a stinking anti-Constitution Anti-liberty and Anti-freedom Tyrant!!!! And make that go for Rodney McMullen, too! The United States was once known as th...
What are the exact rules on dating coworkers? Or where can I find them? I am the Overnight lead in a store that does not have an overnight manager. I have been hanging out with one of my ASMs. I really like him and I see something serious coming between us. I will only be with Kroger for another year or so and h...
One day I was bagging for an Instacart person. By the way, they were one of the nice ones. Yes, they exist. After I had finished the order I check the clock and noticed I had lot duty. I went out to the lot and when I came back in when my hour was done, the cashier told me that another Instacart complained that I...
Rodney McMullan, CEO of Kroger, tells Good Morning America (earlier this week) that he WILL FORCE ALL of his employees to wear masks!!!! He said it here, on national television: of 5 PM yesterday, Saturday, April 25, ALL employe...
You atheistic, politically Democrat, sinister secular people that shop at, and work for Kroger have caused 100% of ALL problems on planet earth since the beginning of time, including the coronavirus. F you all! <bird being displayed at YOU> Tired of YOU people making my life hell. It's ti...
Back when tissue and sanitizer was first flying off of the shelf? Ehh..... things always seem more exciting when sh^t is about to hit the fan and people go into panic mode......
So I took a week off to self quarantine And was using a vacation week after that. I was told by the head honcho I couldnt take an unpaid leave and had to Use my vacation time. I was off a week. They said they put it in. A day before Im sent to return I get a letter from the head of HR over my division stating my leave...