I know that the gas prices haven't lowered by much, but at least they haven't kept climbing. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've had to watch the gauge reach a certain level and keep how much I spend at the same amount. And I couldn't quite get a full tank. Then one day, I do the same routine. Stop at th...
In my department our team leader says the scan wasnt done right its never done right why do it if the inventory numbers are worse than before it was done. Is it like that in all stores?
I went to do my shopping when I got off work and noticed some of the aisles have an extra shelf on top of what used to be the top shelf. There's a strip on the shelf saying to ask for help if you need something from there. Has anyone else seen this, and why did they do this?
I can not tell you how many customers get so offended when they see employees continue to wear masks. In most states it's optional to wear masks. Some areas mask more heavily than others. Deal with it. Customers please stop harassing employees to remove their masks. We wear them because we want to. We w...
Working grocery has made me loose faith in humanity. Your average joe is a decent person but once you get them around food and money most people become total @$$ holes. Don't get me wrong the job is already demining enough, you have to work with arrogant customers that think you're pretty much a slave an...
Ever escalating crime on location at brick at in-house stores Ever escalating shop lifting at same Ever escalating reliance on ON LINE ORDERING (that's not only not going away, it's gonna ramp up) Ever DECREASING need for specialty things like butchers, cake decorators, deli prep workers, floral...
the deli I work at is always understaffed, but management still expects us to do G&G, fresh slice, check dates, and production all while cooking, temp logs, and dealing with customers. 2 openers and 1 closer a day.. Does anyone else work at a deli like this?? Deli manager is one of the 2 openers I men...
I'm tired of kroger selecting certain liter items to get people into the store. But wait it's a digital coupon. 70% of clients fail to realize that and end up wondering why they didn't get the cheaper price. Kroger please stop this shi--t. It makes more work for us because your clients bicker about not g...
Anybody else's stores having trouble finding bakers and decorators for their bakery department? We have one baker who's going on vacation. They just hired someone who can only work early morning hours and he has some experience working in a bakery. He was suppose to train to bake but he decided he...
Dear customers that harass associates: You suck! Dear customers that steal: You have no moral guidance and Jesus will send you to hell for it. Dear customers that have high returns: You have nothing better to do with your times and theft comes in many ways. Dear customers that are @$$ holes on ebt: Get...
I can't believe how many seniors and anit sco people cuss their way through sco. Good fu--ck learn technology it isn't difficult. I get at least 5-10 @$$ holes a day. Are your lives so miserably bitter that you have to be a di--ck to the cashier?
Dear customers: I can not tell you how infuriating it is to check out a <5 item order. Please take these small orders through self check out. I'm so sick of working late, being force called up for a 1-10 item order. Good fu--ck just take this **** through sco. It's not the end of the world. Children can u...
Dear customers: I can not tell you how many times a customer has walked up to me and complained about this or that and gotten really nasty over it. Then complain harassively to a staff member. Please fu-c-ken file your complaints to the company. When you complain to the staff the complaint goes no furth...
I don't care. I will not share my phone number to anyone whom I feel discomfort. An idiot asked for my number because he wanted to share his 3 centimeters friend pic to me (according to his mom). I refused and he got mad and spent more money on grocery shopping on the next visit. The mom blamed me for her loss...
I can not tell you how many returns I throw out daily. Even if it looks good and could go back on the shelf. I don't trust returns. Our rules say what we can and can not put back on the shelf but I don't give two fu--cks about it now. I can not tell you how gross people are. I just chuck it. I don't trust the sanita...
A lot of ppl in my store either quit or was fired due to not liking their schedules or OT. Now they pulling ppl from other departners to help out front end. They moved me from my department into front end which I now start tmr. Not happy about it also theyre cutting hours.
For the last 3 weeks we have had stuff come in on the order that we didnt even need and some items just keep coming in. Our manager is always on his phone even when ordering I dont think hes actually paying attention and is just scanning whatever at times. And they cry about other employees listening to mus...