I was told in our contract it states that there is a 40 hours locked in for people hired before a certain year. I do not fall in this bracket. I'm concerned because the company doesn't want to up it a few years ahead. I was told they could virtually work me 28 hours a week even though i'm full time status. Do yo...
I got switched to another department earlier last year, I was at Kroger for 6 years, they would not schedule me for 2 months, the Union took their time for me of course, I finally got 32-37 hours for 3 months thanstarted working 2 jobs, they than took me off the schedule, I called the union and they never p...
I've always wondered this. I dont think it should be required, hell no job at Kroger should require a degree. Any trained monkey could do every job Kroger has to offer.
So basically, I used to be a lead nutrition clerk, right? I was averaging close to 18k a week in sales, working by myself. Finally, it got to the point where the extra .60 cents/hr wasn't worth it, so I stepped down. I switched with a fellow co worker, and all was well. Or so I thought. I noticed I was st...
is this happening at other stores or just mine? We get something almost everyday that the mexicans have helped themselves to. This is clearly shrink under the "warehouse damage" that they don't like us to use. One day they'd all eaten slim jims and left the empty wrappers all over the pa...
since I am constantly pissed off at something, so Im gonna keep the ball rolling What are pay rates for associates in your division/district? Here at central in IL: New Clerks start at 8.25 top out at 9.75 this includes Grocery GM and Cashiers. Baggers/UT's are stuck at 8.25 (min wage in IL) permanent...
Just curious, but do department heads recieve bonuses for meeting goals ie Key Retailing, Shrink, Sales etc. or just a little more pay and lots more headaches? Looking at trying to move up and I tell you it doesnt look like a lot of incentive here in Central div. Thanks for any replies =)
Don't ever work in the deli department at L-346. You won't like the manager. Today she was telling different people they couldn't take their vacations because they happened to fall during senior week. You can't eliminate weeks from the vacation schedule just because they happen to be holiday we...
I'm waiting for someone to pick up one of these manager special Durex Pleasure Packs we've had sitting around for a while. I know I coudn't buy them in confidence. But the marked down lube sells like hot cakes!!
Well last night in the deli we only had three people scheduled for the whole day, not counting the chicken person. I come in at 1 and find out that the chicken person had to leave early because she got sick and I had to do chicken for the rest of what would have been the chicken shift. But did they even try t...
We got a year meeting, I don't know if you got one guys. The bottom line was we cost too much. I can't believe my 7.25$/h is too much. That is so sad, cause all the floor supervisor and manager are just taking alof of houres doing nothing but talking to each other, sometime 3 at the same time. They give away to...
Some background. I'm a 20 something, part-timer with about eight months in. Worked most departments except for meat and deli at one time or another. Fairly constantly get shuffled around, and having days rearranged at the last minute. Randomly get between 12 to 30 hours any given week. Fairly c...
Hey iam new to this. Has anyone ever gone to arbitration? If so what is that all about? What to expect? My union wants to go this far with my case.anyones info is helpful.
Is anyone familiar with the term "limited" and how it used to give hours? Ive worked in the deli for 10yrs at about 30-32 hours a week for most of those years. 3 out of 7 days I am available whenever they need me, the other 4 I am only available for evening hours. All of a sudden now they are throwin...
What time does the seafood counter close at your store? My manager is making me pull it at 8 (instead of 7:30 or 7:45), and I have to leave at 9 (god forbid I stay over an extra 15 minutes ). I don't know how the hell she expects me to pull all the fish, shovel out the ice, dump the ice, shovel in new ice, cover the...