If my vation started this monday and runs all the way till this sunday. Do i get a check the following friday for the week I was on vacation? Or do i have to wait till my annyversary?Anyone know?
So, our manager has belittled me and another employee several times. Most notably today we had so
Someone call in and were trying to work around it. I offered her a solution and insteAd of listening every time I would go to speak to her she'd shush me. Then she told me she was quote "sick of my depart...
I am not an employee of Kroger. Just wanted this to get out there. The Kroger store Marysville, Ohio quit accepting vouchers from the Union County Veterans Service Office. This started in 2010. The Mgr's at Marysville Kroger said it was a corporate decision and they were losing money because of this....
At our store to get full time you have to work 40 hours for 12 consecutive weeks. A guy in our store got full time because they thought he only had 6 weeks but he really had 12. He took a personal day several weeks ago and it was assumed that his progression started over at that point. It turns out if you ta...
Just like the title says:
Does a guy named Tim Brand still work for Kroger? He used to work out of one of the zone offices in Atlanta. Last I heard, he was accused of some fairly serious stuff. Is he fired, transferred, etc?
From the Kroger store that I work at, In Garland Texas, There is a lot of options within a 5 mile radius of the store for the grocery dollars.Not counting the small little convenience stores we have two super Wal-marts, a fiesta foods grocery store, two aldi`s, three Hispanic oriented grocery stores...
Guys, I accomplished a major goal whie working for Kroger...not working for Kroger! I found a new and better job. I've been here three years, and do not want to be stuck here my whole life, so I found another, better paying, with more oportunites job! Hell yeah. I made it out alive.
Test-tube burgers are hitting the news again, and if the idea of eating synthetic beef makes your skin crawl, keep reading. According to Fox News, A researcher from the Netherlands says he expects to grow the first-ever hamburger in a lab by this fall. The beef will made from bovine stem cells grown in...
Got a question i work at krogers in michigan and i accumulated 2 no call no shows in a 90 day period , then i was suspended for 3 days . then a week later i did another no call no show . is this grounds for termination?
If you suddenly aren't scheduled at all anymore? I've only been working for Kroger for a few months, and I only average about 12 hours a week. Last week I worked 20 hours due to Valentine's Day and this week someone was sick so I worked 14 hours (went in early one day) I called today, and I was told that I wasn...
im 34 and started workin at kroger again i have 10 plus years at grocery stores but never the meat dept.i had to start out at min wage and would like to know whats the best way at going about becoming classified as a meat cutter so i can make more money and what would i make i heart the max is 13.10 thanks
Hello All, I'm promoting a website that provide corporate Logo Design services at cheaper prices. I need your feedback so that I can forward them to concern department to provide better services and improve its overall appearance. Thanks
I'm under the impression that this is just a way to make morning shift easier. Evening shift sorting pallets, having no help, and expecting to get their normal work done? All the while being called to the front? Something is going to break.
In my times i can remember many times that I was always given advice to remember. But not all stuck with me. #1 When i was new and learning the trade, I was told that if i stuck with kroger about a year then i would know enough to be able to go to other places and make real money. If not then I could stick around a...
Where is your biggest problem located with Kroger? If you choose more that one then try to list them in order of worst to last. #1 Co- manager (s) and department heads#2 Store manager#3 District office and /or manager#4 Kroger maintenance department and response time.#5 POS equipment that needs re...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo I figured i'd post up this video simply for the meaning of it. This video can cover many issues, but remember you the people have the power to make things right. There are things you can do to empower your union to become stronger. The more we are united th...
Does anyone know where Kroger orders their cleaning supplies from? I would really like to have one of those stand-up dustpans that they use in the store, and no one at my store seems to be able to help me out.
We just had 2 cashiers moved at our store over low ELMS scores. Has anyone else had this happen at your store? Is it even legal to punish someone over a measurement that wasn't in place when they first started, or is it just considered as low job performance?
with today February27 being No Brainer day, I would like to also let you know of other upcommijng day thru March . They would be .................... 27 No Brainer Day 28 Floral Design Day 28 Public Sleeping Day 28 National Tooth Fairy Day 29 Leap Day - march holidays 1 National Pig Day 1 Peanut Butter L...