I just started working at Krogers about a week ago.We have to recite the 7 mystery shop quotes to management at the start of work each time we work.I have about 5 down and was told the other two today,however we were extremely busy and I completely lost track of what they were.I would like them so I can writ...
I'm a "new" receiver at one of the new large 86,000 sq. foot stores. Part of my job is also doing bread. I'm told I do bread because receivers have traditionally done bread. I don't think I should have to do bread. There is another Kroger about 5 miles down the road...it is less than half the si...
This stores sucks donkey di#k. Who has had any experience in dealing with this fine establishment? Sorry a$$ store manager.Cheap and greedy. Too many trucks. Not enough help. Too many old and retarded, fat people sucking down store hours. Totally disorganized and sloppy. Cluttered and old. If you...
Management is the key to employee satisfaction in any work environment. When management doesn't enforce rules fairly and across the board there is resentment amongst the workers. When management enforces rules, they themselves refuse to follow, there is resentment and disrespect amongst the w...
I stock bread. Every morning, everyday. I like it, sure, don't get me wrong...BUT...I'm slowly getting tired of seeing white and wheat, buttermilk, and tendertwists...is anyone in the same boat as me?
So I've been working at kroger for over a year now as a bagger. A friend told me that kroger is supposed to give you a raise every 6 months. This never happened. Still making minimum wage. I went and talked to the stores union rep and she told me that baggers don't get that raise and we already got our raise wh...
I came to this board because I thought it was a good place to get some "real" answers, and to express an opinion without fear. I was hoping some of you union veterans might be able to offer some advice and/or general thoughts or recommendations I could use. I have this friend, a co-worker, w...