First off, a little background info. I'm a type 2 diabetic. I know those that are reading this are probably thinking of the usual. Sedentary lifestyle, ate too much junk food, etc. Mine is actually hereditary as it's on both sides of my family and I do keep it in control. The problem I'm having is that cov...
Hello forum! I'm an employee of Kroger, as well as a customer (of course) and over the last 3 months or so I've noticed that the smaller boxes of KROGER brand oatmeal (quick / one minute type) has a definite 'soapy' taste and smell. It is very noticeable to me, as soon as I open the box (so I know it isn't bec...
Now that pathetic Kamala and the rest of her extremist Democrat cronies have suffered a crushing defeat, how do all of the Kroger union employees feel about the portion of their dues that was donated to these candidates? It is obvious now that no union money should ever be given to any political campai...
Now that we have the alignment in place, Kroger will have to compete for laborers which will cause the management to be respectful to their employees. I love capitalism. It forces management to be nice against their will. Life is looking good. Make Kroger Great Again
We had a situation in the Fuel Center last night where a customer called the cashier a b****/f*** you because the clerk asked for ID. She told the cashier "I am black, I don't need to show ID, that is discrimination." Fuel Lead told cashier that she was authorized in that type of situation to ask the custo...
I'm joining gen z and quiet quitting. I'm tired of being screwed over left and right. I'm tired of being denied promotional opportunities and I'm tired of being tossed around like used luggage. Nope, I'm done. I'm quiet quitting. Doing just enough not to get in trouble, the bare minimum of job duties a...
My manager started punishing me for reduced hrs because I'm taking hybrid classes and middle of the quarter manager got pissed and started retaliating against me with severely reduced hours. Okay, I'll take the hint. I'm not welcome, you don't want me so I'll go else where. For many years my reasonab...
I recently got screwed over by the manager hiring another person into our department. I was not expecting him to put me in another time slot then screw me over with reduced hours. Now I'm having retaliation in hour reduction for no just cause and the union says they can't do anything about it. I got just c...
I'm still contacting the union regarding this sudden hour reduction from full time position to 1-3 shifts a week. Apparently a lot of people are reporting a severe hr reduction on other social media sties. Shi--ty reasons like this are why people are not staying with kroger long term. If I call the uni...
Good lord, don't you love it when you transfer from say store a to store b to get away from a problem manager. Then the problem manager says "surprise I'm your store manager now." 12 yrs later. Then all the same dribble starts up again. Nope, I'm done. NOT dealing with this Fuc---ker again! I'll give him 4...
An customer approaches my department, cut the lines of customers just to find me and say hi. Customer claims I'm a friend, but clearly, I'm not the customer's friend. I helped the customer for 1 thing and customer now thinks I'm among the best friend. Is this considered harassment? I kinda told my dep...
Hello, I just have a question im 16 and work as a bagger and there was a guy that was lying on me saying I was gone for 30 mins and I was working my butt off that day while he was slacking off. And when I was on my break we were texting back and forth to each other arguing about it and I said if I get in trouble for this...
I am a seafood lead and under the local 540 union. Long story short, my coordinator has told me he's transferring me to a store further away and if I don't go I will be demoted. Currently I am a 10 minute drive from home and don't even have to take the highway. I do not have a valid driver's license, and my car i...
I would light to bring to the light how bad it is to work for kroger. If you need a get your foot in the job market job this would be it but I would not consider it for a career. I stayed much longer than I should of in this line of work. It's frankly gotten worse in the past couple of years. From over micromanagem...
I do not mind cleaning the Restrooms as long as there is not **** on the floor or walls. This topic is not about that. What bugs me is you tell someone just a minute they do not listen. Like one day I was putting a full roll of TP in the Dispenser. I told a man I was putting TP it had a very small roll. He said there...
Reporting and investigation procedure for sexual harassment and other forms of harassment If you believe that you are being sexually harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor, or if you believe you are being harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor because of you...