So last week, our manager didn't get to write our schedule until the 11th hour... well technically the 21st hour of Saturday. But, if no one managed to write my department's schedule for the week, what happens? Does everyone get the entire week off? Would we just get called in?
Is there anyone else that gas experienced this type of behavior? My Store mamager would look out for me as Eschedule would only put me on for like 4 hours and he scoffed at the idea that one of his best front end workers be scheduled for something like this and I would usually end up getting 12 hours on avera...
Ok so it seems like Kroger supervisorsdon't care what your going on in your life just expect you to work I'm expect you to not feel anything what comes to your loved ones in heaven a miscarriage or anythingelse family relatedI feel like no one cares about my feelings and they only care about themselves w...
This is very exciting for us in the perishable departments. I just hope that It works better than what it did for the front end. As one of many of the highest paid employees in the industry I look forward to putting on rubber boots and holding a water hose. Micro managing at its finest. We are looking forw...
I was approached by a coworker who i've worked with for several years now and they sought my advice on an issue. I thought maybe getting some additional feedback from some of the other posters on here would help. Several weeks back the district team came into the store to get one of those wonderful key r...
Does the employee discount work if you leave your divisional area? If i'm in Ohio and I go to Indiana for a trip and stop in at a kroger, does my 10% discount on kroger products work?
Is there any stipulations on what students who are 18 but still in hight school can work? I keep getting scedualed till midnights on school nights. I live an hour away from the store so i dont get home untill late then have to be up early to get to school. There has been several times that I have been late...
Monday at work in the deli the mom of the nights closer called to say he may not be in due to a "minor emergency". Turns out that emergency was the fact that he got arrested for breaking into a local middle school. Several employees got home that night and saw his mugshot on the news. The next...
Turn people into raging *******s? Every Friday it seems everyone just bitches and moans about every little thing. Makes me just want to not come back from break.
This is getting insane. In the last few months, we have had THREE people in our department get fired or quit. First person got "sick" and said she was leaving because she had to help with a truck. Second person got fired because she had a piss poor attitude about everything in life. Third pers...
Are there any stipulations on what those students who are 18 but still in high school can work? I keep getting scheduled to work till midnight on school nights and I live an hr away from the store so I don't get home till LATE then need to be up by 6 there have been many days that I have been late to school becau...
I'm a Full-Time Fuel clerk and would like to move into store level because the benefits we don't get in fuel but store employees do.With the stuff coming down from corporate on fuel center which making us do more work than we are paid for and the changes they are making which is stupid some of them.I woul...
So I just started work and they gave me my work shirts. They are supposed to be SMALL but they are oversized to the point of being LARGE. The sleeves come down past my elbows, it looks hideous. I tried to shrink them but I had no luck. I asked the manager to order me an XS and he said in the meantime just wea...
Are delis getting a store wide change, or is it just our deli? We had to go to a training meet to learn about all the new stuff that's coming. I was just curious. We're getting a new system for wrapping meat and also for labeling it with dates, among other things.
Hello fellow Kroger Employee Forum members, It has been awhile since I have dropped by. And I, as most of you know, am the moderator to this site. Most of you also are aware that I am no longer working for the fine establishment know as Kroger. Yes, I have moved on. Not by my choice but rather through a se...
Question to throw out to anyone that wants to listen. Should a lead have the right to have Saturdays off because a mgr is favoring them, over a more senior person who is also a lead?? Sounds like big time issues brewing here.
Our Eschedule roles out next week. Shet already hit the fan. Lives have just been completely altered. Everyone has to work a different shift. End of discussion. One person quit on the spot. Others are very upset. Doesn't have any negative effect on me. I am just going to quietly watch the...
I ended up calling in 40 minutes before my scheduled shift. I couldnt handle it. I was on the toilet all day. He kept insisting that they need me or what not. He's writing me up for not giving an hours notice. Is this okay by union standards? Hes also tried preventing my transfer. Etc. Im transfering in a f...
can someone please tell me what the rules of schedule making are from the contract. i am having an issue with hearing different things from everyone and i would like to know the concrete rules.