today I was suspended for misuse of the VIP card. I got caught using not an associated reward card, but another VIP card 98 times. The total amount of money i saved stealing these fuel points added up to about 30$. When I was suspended I stated I would repay the money and I wanted a second chance. I return to...
This has never happened to me before, but if you forget to punch out.. what happens? By the way, the last punch is my favorite of the day so I probably won't ever forget lol
Today, we had 3 no shows, 2 late workers, (no partridge in a pear tree) and I was told I needed to sack today because 3 of our courtesies were a no call no show. Plus 2 checkers were late. If they even show at all. On to of that customers kept getting in my way of sacking. I wanted to tell them to get out of my way.a...
As someone who is getting ready to wave my goodbyes to the company, I'm just wanting to know how well Kroger handles Cobra. I've dealt with Cobra in the past....with laughable results. The last time I signed up for Cobra, my insurance would go inactive the first week of every month without fail. It's a p...
OK I'm a Full-Time fuel clerk and we don't make jack for money and we are a sub-department of front-end which is kind of funny we don't make the money that a Full-time cashier makes which that's what we do all day take peoples money and they have added more stuff to our duties like mimik and deal with more p...
So, I was drinking some Kroger chocolate milk when I noticed that on the upper left corner, there's a little icon that looks like West Virginia with a "4" inside it, right next to a capital K. Anyone know what it's for?
What should I do with my co-worker who are always late for work? I am just a full-time Tech in pharmacy department. Because of my position,I most likely open in the morning with one of our pharmacist. Next shift is scheduled 10:00. The girls who are coming for 2nd shift(They are sisters,day varies),T...
You didn't actually save any money. It's more that we would have overcharged you if you didn't have your shopper's card. Without the card, our prices are unreasonably high and you would have to be a fool to pay them. Waiting to give me your card at the end means you are an idiot. It lowers my CCG's, and the...
So we just started this new scheduling thing and it has me working some really messed hours. I mean like 1-11 pm crazy hours. Has anyone had this problem?
A while back, some guy came in and replaced the detergent dispenser on the dishwasher in the deli with a new type of dispenser. The original one was directly attached to the side of the dishwasher and used a solid type detergent. The new one uses liquid and connects differently. Anyway, when he remo...
Ok I tried to transfer to a location farther than the location I am currently working at Because I wanted to get get away from my supervision. That was denied by management. I now need to transfer to this because my college is closer to this location and my schedule is going to be tight. Can management ref...
I've been cashiering for just a few months so far, and just had my first encounter today with a serious scammer, and he was trying to scam me out of almost $100. He came through the line with 1 item, then handed me a $100 to pay for it. I checked it and it was legit, so I entered in $100, and he watched me as a did a...
i used to be a dept head and made a family decison that the extra funds being a dept head is not worth the constant stress and headaches, key retail and the other unreasonable demands. Losing alot of good people and replacing them with inferior managers who dont care anybody else.
My former awesome grocery manager has retired. His replacement is an ass. Thinks he's the entire store's manager and tries to imply that anyone that's younger than him is someone that's new. How long do grocery managers stay in the store they're working in? I'd like to see him gone soon.