I am currently a courtesy clerk. I was told a month ago that I was getting promoted to a cashier, but it hasn't happened yet due to a lack of training hours available. Today, the dairy manager asked me if I wanted to join the dairy department. My question is what do you do if you work in the dairy departm...
so today I was try to take the black plastic bins back to where we store them, next to the bailer, but some jackass left a cart full of product in the hallway and I bumped into it with my cart. All the plastic bins (despite supposedly being able to stack neatly) went everywhere. I cut the **** out of my leg a...
So, tonight I was called by my store manager because I apparently didn't show up for a shift I was supposed to work. Tonight is Saturday night. Today (Saturday) I was scheduled to work from 8am to 2pm, and according to my e-schedule I was scheduled 10pm to 6am on Sunday. Basically the story behind this is...
ok we've got a girl in the deli who has less seniority than I do (she has roughly 5 years), but still gets all day shifts (7-330 and 8-430), never works a night, doesn't work saturdays or sundays (EVER!). Now that eschedule has rolled around, she's still got the same schedule. Still 40 hours. Seems li...
I have heard of a lot of stupid stuff happening with this company, but what I found out recently took me aback. Apparently our district manager had the bright idea to move the grocery crew, sans dairy and drug/gm, to overnights. The reason behind this is the dm doesn't want them to be in the way of the cust...
I have vacation this week, and when I went to check my schedule, it said I worked on Monday a 6:30 to 11:00, but I am on vac that week. Could I be written up if I just don't show that day? I'm considering just not showing up. I made a coy of my schedule in case they give me grief.
If 3 people within a dept all request the same day off, will eschedule automatically make the one with least seniority work that day? We've had days with 3 people off and our dept manager works it out by moving people around and having decent coverage, but will eschedule let this happen? I'm afraid th...
Is this thing a big of a disaster as I think it'll be? They just started that here and now instead of a regular service desk there's a roped off line thing for money services. So now when someone has an actual customer service problem they have to wait for the people using the store as a bank to get done? Or wh...
I woke overnight as a stocker...Recently our night groc manager transfered to another store..we now have a new groc manager and hes not walking the store..he allows CAO to order.. now our backroom is packed with backstock... ok the co manager is threatening to write the whole night crew up if we dont g...
This new Esched is terrible. Everything worked before and now it is going to bring down the morale and make people quit. If you are a Lead or Dept Manager you have to work till 10pm once a week, and get later shifts? So basically if you are higher up in a dept then you are getting screwed. Its not worth the ext...
Well I've been with Kroger two years and I was finally getting 32 - 38 hours a week. Checked my schedule yesterday and I'm back at 20 hours a week. Thanks Kroger! I finally had some seniority but a girl transferred from another store, and 4 people have been transferred from other departments to the fr...
Title says it all, I'm just wondering, cause there's all this Express HR stuff and HR info and all that, I'm wondering if there's a way to check when we're next needed for work, especially those of us who's schedules tend to be a bit fluctuating.
at my kroger i strongly belive they play favorites, altough i am one of them luckely i wonder how and why, iv been there less then a year, this is my first job and im already a suervisor with 38-40hrs a week while other ppl that have been there longer with more exp. get crap hours i dont wanna give up my hours b...
Let's get real. Kroger in the past was a good company to work for. I would not recommend working there to anyone now. The bottom line is their bottom line. Eschedule, department favoritism, horrible non engaging workers still getting all their hours. Kroger executives have way too much time on t...
I work full time at my local kroger. Have been for 6 months now. I'm thinking about moving out of the area to go to school in January. If I were to come back a couple months later, Well they be able to give me back my full time position? Am I aloud to leave the area even though I just resently made full time?...
I read a great "highly dissatisfied" customer comment today. "No one at Kroger looks like they're happy to be there. I don't know how Publix does it, but their employees are always happy and smiling! I come to Kroger for the low prices, not the employees." Clearly this customer...
So I was under the impression 4 or 5 hour shifts get one 15 minute paid break that you clock out for while 8 hour shifts get 2 paid 15 minute breaks that may or may not be combined into a 30 minute break that might actually be long enough for you to eat something. When I looked at my eSchedule, it has me down for...