I lsated 12 years at kroger, a lot longer then anyone i worked with. I thought i'd share a few tips,. on how i did. first, managers are not going to like you. nothing you can really do about it. some will, most won't. thats just the was management is. don't take it personal, even if they do. just ignore their...
So recently i was told that the third shift in our store frequently gets to leave early if they get everything done. But 2nd shift has to work through all of there backstock and throw peyton and never get to leave early. In general how often do you or others in your department leaver early than there sche...
I spent the first three hours of my shift, today as a bagger. When I went to check the bathrooms and pulled the mop cart out of the closet, I noticed the mop had a sticker on it that said mop. Serioulsy. Do they think we are so stupid that we cant figure out it's a damn mop. Sounds like Key Retailing out of con...
If you were hired part-time and only work 24 hours a week, how can they cut your hours? I have opted to be cross-trained from DELI to BAKERY as a part-time cake decorator. Considering there is no KEY-RETAIL in Bakery, my manager is given very few hours to deal out. So I do one or two days there or visa-versa...
I never recieved one and there is no information under POLICIES on the kweb. All we got were training manuals. If employees have a handbook, isn't there one for management??
i worked for kroger for 12 years. there were ups and downs. sadly, the downs, outweighed the ups in the end. when i started kroger it was a genuinly fun place to work. sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was more possitive then negative. management at least tried to be fair, coperate saied out of your way, if t...
Saw something posted by the time clock yesterday: A letter from a safety coordinator with a message of how the union was spreading false information for employees not to sign the new "safety policy" because it was signing away workers compensation. Attached was a sign from the UFCW that ...
This may be the first and only time I will ever say this, but I think there may be something to Quevision that maybe we didn't see. For those who don't shop at Wal-Mart, Ole Wally is now matching coupon policies of competitors. In addition, Wal-Mart is also giving back the over-amount on coupons (Examp...
OMG! The going-ons at store 408 are incredible! Unefenbelievable! And it only gets worse with the new managaer who can't see his a** from a hole in the ground. He locks himself in his office barking orders. Won't give you the time of day. Wait! there's more.
It has occured to me on more than one occasion, that the union associates are missing an opportunity that could put Kroger in their place about ELMS. You know how they always say, you get x number of hours for sales, or tonnage or whatever. Well guess what, has anyone asked them to PROVE it?? I guarante...
I work for Kroger and have been having a hard time at the Store I work at. I had a few concerns and talked to my Manager about them and the Manager went stright to the person I was talking about and told the person(so much for trust in Management). There is a Dept. Head at the store that works when they want as m...