So I recently marked that I was unavailable for certain days of the week, due to the fact that I'm going to college full time and need time to study and get my work done. I'm marked as unavailable on Mondays, and I was fine last week. But this week, I was marked as working today (Labor day). I asked everyone I...
Just yesterday i was heading to receiving with a cartfull of trash. After chucking the bags into the dumpster, I closed the door. it was then that our store's grocery manager yells beligerently" I wish people would close the f**kin' dumpster door all the way" followed by him doing a kung f...
A College student joined kroger 4-30-08 she's going full time this week and her full tome date is 12-09-09 isn't that ****ed? I'm beyond beyond pissed this is the second person they have done this for, how is this fair?
This happened a few weeks ago. The lazy mid-morning bagger was going to help a customer out. Not only that the lazy one was also scheduled for lot duty that hour. One of the baggers that cleans in the morning was doing some work in our front closet. The lazy one decides to leave the customer to chat with the...
i go to work everyday...on time. i do my side work... without bitching... everyday. i mind my own business. i dont talk about or to anyone other than professional politeness. my till always comes up right on the money. i have been told i have great customer service skills. i even got (gasp) a raise after...
Just saw our local union rep today. And from the paer he gave us Kroger is trying to stick it to us with Health insurance. Trying to shift more of the cost to us, and making it harder to get!
You know, I was really excited to start working for Kroger! That was , before they sent me to a mentor that decided her training was better than the 17 week training I was suppossed to receive! For 6 days straight, she had me following her, working the register, helping in meat and produce, and just ge...
I am so tired of getting jerked around at Kroger. I have worked there as a full-time employee for over 3 years now and am about to be bumped to part-time because they keep hiring in new people and doing away with positions that are actually needed (like a mid-shift). Here is a hint Kroger: If you don't hav...
So here's the deal...I've been with Kroger for about a year now. Right now I am a courtesy clerk and have been trying for the past 4 months to move up to register. I have done all the training and have my cashier numbers. About 3 weeks ago, my manager told me she would be putting me on the cashier schedule......
Mid South zone mangers and coordinators actually taking a load of dumpster garbage and seeing what was not marked down. Wow, how much longer does this company have?
I work for Jay C's but we still get our trucks from the same warehouses. The other night my manager and I almost got crushed by a pallet of cans because the truck wasn't backed up right. And because they wont fork out the cash to give us an electric jack. These pallets are outrageous, a lot of times I cant eve...
Once in awhile I'm scheduled to work 3rd shift at my store. Usually there is only 2 people there putting the truck away/running backstock. On big truck nights when they order alot we have 3 people there at night. (Alot is 1,000 cases of grocery for our store) Anyone on here work 3rd shift at their store...
Too late for this year, but keep in mind for next August Employee Tracking Survey.... When you take the next survey, why not mark all the boxes "Don't know/Doesn't apply"? Or maybe mark more than one box for each question? Or, save yourself some time and not mark in any of the boxes. No d...
i went on maternity leave in july and had my baby on july 21st. the insurance (med 1000) said that they changed my plan to plan b the month before i left and so i can't get paid for taking off. How do i get them to correct their mistake and pay me what i worked for? i have been there for 3 years and am not happy abou...