I noticed on some of the backstock carts in our back room a new sign that says best practices while others say key retailing. Whats the difference? From what I can tell best practices is just another name for the same damn thing.
I am the receiver for my store and have been having problems with nite crew leaving early. The leaving early part I really have no problem with, it is just when they are punching out before I punch in for shift or they are leaving me in the store by myself. I was always told that we have to have at least two p...
I wasn't feeling good last night or when I got up this morning so I went to the doctor. While I was waiting to be seen I called work to let them know I wasn't going to be in. This was 2+hours before my shift was scheduled. When I spoke to the manager on duty she asked what was wrong, after I told her what was goi...
The Key Refailing Nazis will be out in force this Halloween disguised as helpful, caring fellow employees...you know...just doing their job "cause someone has to do it. But don't be fooled! If they suspect for even a moment that you are not with the pogrom...that is Program...you'll be whis...
I've worked at Kroger for 3 years now, I started out in produce then went to non/foods overnight for hours. I did that for 6 months, two weeks ago the Produce manager in the morning asked if I had any interest in a nutrution position they are adding. Of course I thought they were just adding another person...
Ive been at Krogers for 8 years in the deli. I have health insurance for 7 of those 8 years. Just last week I was taken in office and told I am no longer eligible and never should have been eligible for health insurance. Ive worked 31-34hours a week for 8 years in the deli. I do work 30 hours somewhere else whi...
Couple of interesting pieces in the most recent (Sept. 26) issue of Forbes magazine. One is titled "Social Power and the Coming Revolution..Why Employees and the Customers will be Calling the Shots". As I understand it, this relates to the current phenomenon of people using potent ne...
Human Resource Management (HRM, HR) is the management of an organization's employees. While human resource management is sometimes refereed to as a "soft" management skill, effective practice within an organization requires a strategic focus to ensure that people resources can fa...
So me and my friend when to get our hair cuts today. And there was only one person in the barbar shop cutting another customer hair, so we waited, then another customer walk in shortly after us, and the barbar said to him that there is two people in front of you, I'll be with you shortly! To make a long story s...
Lol our store follows it to be *******s, ie: thanksgiving we closed at 5 and did the 330 rotisseries that came up at 5 just like the ppst book said. Gave like 25 birds to charity that day lol
man you better stay around! for alot of us you are the reason we come and read this board. we like meat ~ you provide plenty of it. those anonymous posters who come here (like me) and put up their one and only post are like rotton vegetables.
Texting on the work, chatting, asking me to do their job. That is all I am surrounded with. And the man. is hiding to see if I do my job. I am still new, but those older one certified bagger, who have 15-16 years old tell me what to do and do almost nothing. they don't really want to work, Grrr.
Manager let me go full time today i got my 12 consecutive 40+ hour check, so will next weeks check reflect the full time raise, or will i have to wait a couple weeks? Do i need to do anything or does the system do it itself?
I have been with Kroger 10+ years now and have had my share of interesting experiences. What happened today has to be somewhere in the top ten. I was filling the salad case in produce when an elderly lady in a motorize cart asks me to get her another cart because "this doesnt work". I got to the...