On August 5th I started my training at the Kroger Training Center & completed training. I "worked" 19.50 hours & when I viewed my paystub online it said I earned $118. This week starting August 12th I started working at my store location. As everyone knows new employees like me hav...
Ive been working at Kroger for just a few days now, not including the 8 and a half hours of WBL, and 3 hours of orientation. Where do I go to get my check? Will they mail it to me? How do I know when to get it? Please help, anyone.
How bad of a job do you have to do before getting demoted? I ask because my manager is constantly telling me how I'm not fast enough or work well enough in my department. How do you define "going fast" and "doing a good job" anyhow?
I was hired by Kroger back in late May/early June. I completed the CBTs and the classes, but never went through cashier training because of extenuating circumstances and a broken ankle and I won't be recovered until mid October. Also I was never given any contact information and my store was not curre...
I have worked in floral for 2 years and love my job and I dont want to loose it. We have a new lead 7 months now and she has said I can do what I want and takes that what she dose. We are never on sales plan she takes off outdated stickers and makes new ones or covers the date. The list goes on. I have talked to mana...
Hello! I have a dilemma...I have been working for Krogers for 5 years, the other employee has been there less time than I have. She is full time though and I am part time. The schedule goes in on Fridays I guess (that is what the manager told me) this girl told me on a Monday night that she is taking my Friday...
I want to switch departments! How long do i have to wait before i can switch departments? My manager and a supervisor always seems to have a nasty attitude when i ask a question...There is only 2 supervisors i have worked with that are absolutely sweethearts but the rest i cant deal with. The rest are soo...
Yesterday my manager was showing me how to do something on the register and he put the register in training mode. Does anyone know how to do this? I want to know because I like knowing everything about the registers and messing around with them when I don't have a customer.
If this whole Obama care thing may not start till sometime 2015, then why are all the part timers getting their hours cut? At this point the Obama care might not even happen. Is there any other reasons why Kroger would gouge us out of hours? If this does take effect, what would be the point of a union? I thou...
I work on night crew stocking and I used to listen to coast to coast am from midnight to four in the morning, it is a radio show that deals with a lot of paranormal stuff, like Bigfoot and aliens and ghosts. Well, I had to give up listening to it because things got freaky at work, I did my own paranormal inve...
so just to let u all know and to keep u up to date with my grievance.... I just sent a letter off to the union seeking for me to continue on with the process. I am apparently getting a check for all my vacation time accrued. I want to stress to all who read this that from what my contract states you are entitled...
Out of sheer curiosity, have any of you ever heard of a manager OF ANY COMPANY (I'm not singling out just Kroger here) that ever refused a bonus, based on the fact that there were certain things he or she just would NOT do in order to obtain it? Is that even possible? Or is that just not an option in this moder...
So this is the third week of E Scheduling at my store and it sucks! The first two weeks of it I was working when the schedule was posted, but I'm on vacation this week and it's 3:30 pm and the schedule is posted online yet. When is it normally posted online? I do not want to have to go into my store until I'm s...
No one sees or cares about the 50 banners we have in the store. Our store is cluttered enough without those huge things in the way. Customers think the t-shirts are a joke and no one reads them. As if the customers have to be told by a t-shirt to ask us a question.The prices are nothing special while the qual...
i wrote this wall of text because i am venting as a assistant grocery manager.. my department is shorthanded overnight crew. the store management, co's/director upset with us. i feel disrespected/abused. my boss the grocery manager is becoming a good friend, and we're both busting our asses, wo...