Can you refuse to work with someone in your dept? I've talked to mngrs for weeks and months now about how I feel harassed by this person (as have several employees) but they seem unable to do anything about it. I am just refusing to work directly with her, could I get in trouble!
Yes, I would like to know how it works, the rule, what is stated in krogers policy. I beleive it is being abused by the Manager's cousin. Are you able to take everyones hours below you, and have a 40 hr week, leaving other employees with 16 hr week ( normally 24 hr). Because if thats true, what is the point of...
Anyone from Central Division on here? I recently 'saw the light' and moved to a different company, but I'm still trying to keep up on the doings and goings on in Central. A lot of good people with a f***'ed up set of leaders there. So anyone out there? And are you guys planning on running out of turkeys agai...
Why is it the old, fat, and female clerks are never called for carts? The majority of clerks are just that and the few other younger males do all the crap work. They have the same job title and pay scale as me. I mean I'm not heartless but if the situation was flip flopped the females and old would be sueing if...
We got a letter at my store yesterday from the zone manager that said no overtime allowed unless approved by him. Anyone else hear anything like this. They started cutting hours before December started at my store, so if anyone has to call in, we won't be able to call anyone to replace them in most case...
My elms score or whatever it is, is 85. I scan pretty fast, I hit eft tender when the customer is digging around for their checkbook, and yet I cant seem to get past 85. I see 95's, 100's... how the f@ck do people get up that high? And of course when I ask them for tips, they wont tell me anything because they do...
Walking into a Kroger store is what I imagine China would be like under Mao with pro State messages from the Chairman being blared into the streets from loudspeakers every ten minutes. Does Kroger really hire people so supid they don't know how much people hate commercials or do they really not give a *...
Now Kroger is running scare tactic commercials directed at senior citizens to get them to buy Shingles vaccinations on the advice of a grocery store Pharmacist whose salary is being subsidized by Merck. No mention of consulting with a doctor. Yeah they really give a Rats Ass about our health.
I am a cashier, newly hired, and am wondering what the correct steps are to becoming full time? And around how much time in does it take to reach that goal? Thanks.
My mother is on hospice and my sister took a position at Kroeger being told she would be making a significant increase to her current position at anohter company. She took the position and was never told what her expectations were. Two months in a day before her BDay the manager called her in to tell he...
I left my employment as a co-manager for very good reason. I'm getting unemployment and have filed a claim with the EEOC. My other co-manager was fired as was my district manager. MMmmmm.. nothing to hide? I did an excellent job and was treated like a bus boy. Just a note to everyone who gets treated l...
Just curious, but have you ever worked at a store where it seems like one guy gets sick, another one breaks his back, another one ends up in the hospital for some problem, the guys supposed to replace them are not up to snuff, IF the guys who are out of commission are even replaced at all...and then you have...
I've been a conditioner about 5 months now and i've been having a harder time than usual completing my workload. I have 6 hours to finish 9 isles and they must all be done perfectly, everything L blocked. The problem is it usually takes me 7 or more hours to finish and the managers keep giving me **** about...
I am a Grocery Clerk, I work with the Grocery Manager who has 40+ Years of Service. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for the man, but...For instance, when we are stocking just say a pallet of Canned Meat, the backstock I place next to the pallet to take back when we are done stocking, my Grocery Man...
This next month is the last fiscal period of the year for Kroger. This is the one where everyone has to cut to the bone on hours and dollars spent on supplies and inventory to make it all look good for the Corporate big wigs. So my manager says we need to cut another 100 hours from the Grocery Dept. for next we...
i was looking over my pay stub last week and noticed no deduction taken for healt insurance. went back several weeks and seems to be going on for the past 6 to 8 paychecks. went to as HR. i took a voluntary demotion back in september to get closer to home. was mentioned the possibility of going from #1 st...
I am filling out my paperwork to start at Kroger on Tuesday. I found this site while researching some more about Kroger and unions. After reading so many of these posts, I'm skeeeered.
This may be a bit off topic but i was wondering if any other 3rd shift member has digestive problems. Ever since i started 3rd it seems my stomache has went crazy.....i have not went a day since starting 3rds where my stomach doesn't bother me one way or another. Anyone know how to fix this?