You lazy fin bastards. How many smoke breaks do you need to take in a eight hour shift? Hopefully for you smokers you burn your face and for you vapors that thing will explode in your mouth!! Stop sucking on sticks and get to work!!
Don't see Kroger doing this yet (?) I suppose they will wait until a few days after Walmart, Costco, Trader Joes and Publix drop their mask mandates for vaccinated customers and/or employees. Always behind.............
I work in the Delta Division but Im confused that sick pay is not an option. I was out for 12 days and I returned yesterday. People are telling me to do short term disability or FMLA
Customers your days of being able to walk up to the register with zero wait is over. Kroger is short staffing us more than usual and continues to slash hours repeatedly. This is coming from corporate as every store and employee is bit-ching about it. We're barely running half skeleton crew as it is. And...
This incident was a long time ago, but I'm concerned for my life. One day while on cart duty I saw lighting and told my manager if I could stay in, and she said how are our customers gonna shop. I am horrified that the next time I do cart duty while there's lighting, I may die what should I do?
I got a new job and am leaving Kroger. So long suckers. i wont miss working for this crappy company. Cheapest company in America. Has customers as bad as Walmart.
We are currently using Harvesters to pick and Baymax to stage. Has anybody found a way to pull earlier totes off to stage them (to prevent lates)? We used to do it in Baymax by skipping through and just getting the items for the needed totes. When you do this in Harvester (by moving later items into review...
This store just smells like piss and ****. Its like a sewer line busted and they dont even bother to fix It. There are only a few spots the smell doesnt seem to travel too. Now the hot weather Isco ing and its only gonna get worse. Its almost a good thing we have to wear masks cause it definitely helps blockin...
I notice the more a person leans to the left, the less value they have as an employee (includes management) because they don't "put out" at work. Discuss
So I've decided to quit my god-awful job as a courtesy clerk. The managers at my place are terrible, and can not do anything right. Not to mention the fact that the way the managers expect us to work is more stress than I need in my life- I'm currently a Junior in HS thats involved in AP classes, Band, and...
Back in the 1970's, Kroger's was a mainstay here in Western PA. Sadly, they left the area due to incoming competition. I remember my mom buying canned plums all of the time. I've searched for years at every grocery store in the area and nobody carries them. The only thing I can figure is that she bought th...
Well it happened. Got injured at work I am Grocery manager with my hip, knee, and shoulder being messed up. I made a injury report and went on to speak with Sedgwick about seeing one of their "in network Drs" which I did. The Doctor told me that he believes that all my injures is no doubt Kroger's fault and t...