I know I'm not a moderator or member of any real significance here, but can we sticky this? I feel like this has been asked on here several times, and I think having a central place to post tips/advice for boosting ring/tender percentage would be helpful. I've been cashiering for over a year now and here...
Im interested in moving from Fred Meyer to Kroger down in the states. Would like to know if anyone has transferred how it went for them? My human resource said that I should secure a position before I leave and that she wants that store managers information to get started. I emailed management at the sto...
What happened to it? Is it still around? It was big we used it in parades What in the cornbread hell am I talking about? I am talking about a huge shopping cart one that is big as a car. It was in the Atlanta Division I think they got it back in 1996 right before the Olympics.
Have you ever heard that old saying, "expect the unexpected?" For example, you're on the clock and helping a customer. Everything is going just fine but you're waiting to see if they're going to be rude for any reason. But you probably don't expect that while you're off the clock. That happened to me on...
Here we go again, in store walk mode... panicking to make everything look good for people that don't give a crap about us, but we continue to put on a show for them, so they think everything's fine, lets continue to run the store like this. I'm working all 7 days this week but that is ok, my new "fresh coordi...
Would you be less impatient if you shopped in a store that had only four checklanes with all four checklanes would be open all the time than in a store that had 20 checklanes and only four of them open?
Yes - they are finally admitting stores are understaffed and have a plan to incentive's their skeleton crew, half dead workers..(at least to some extent..) The DM and others have been blaming stores for not meeting "Standards" (OF A FULLY STAFFED STORE) for years- Now he and our other superiors are...
Our store advertised for a "Customer Engagement Specialist"-there os NO need for someone to greet every single customer that walks in and tells them to "Have a nice day" when they leave. This is KROGER not Walmart!!
https://www.facebook.com/Kroger/ Check the comments under this post "fresh for everyone" kroji video.. - 1k and I couldn't find but a couple that were positive.. And yet Rodney keeps pretending things are good..Same complaints about the stores not being stocked, poor service, to many self chec...
I work as a courtesy/utility clerk and fe seems to ALWAYS call us off our sweeps to go to the front end for sacking. Its HIGHLY annoying because lately we have been getting "dinged" on our sweeps not getting logged, or falsifying the log. (Punching in without inspecting the floors first.) We let them k...
Okay, so we have this ASM at my store that loves to write up, fire, threaten to fire more than Trump loves money. Nobody who works here is spared from her attitude but this passed week she took it to a new low. One night one of the cashiers didn't show up or call. So of course she happily tells the CSM who is her...
Say you get asked to come in 9-5 on a day you were scheduled to be off and you say yes as a favor. And then say something comes up ad you need to leave before 5. Could you get in trouble for that, since you weren't even supposed to be there to begin with?
Our employee restrooms are the single occupant kind with the lock. The ones in the back aren't marked but the ones in the breakroom are marked men on one and women on the other. That brings me to my first question. If only one person uses the restroom at a time, why does it matter if it's used by a man or a w...
I had to work Thanksgiving until close last week. As I had said in a previous post, it didn't bother me too much. Except for an incident halfway through my shift. During my vacation time the store had hired some new baggers and one of them was to close with me. At one point the new hire had carts the hour befo...
I work as a cashier at one of the Kroger locations, and another cashier told me that there are Kroger locations that will not accept too much change from a customer who only has change to pay their grocery bill. Is that true?
He has not been here in a few days. He still works at Kroger the poll proved it. He said he was not working but he has he is. He does still work at Kroger don't let him fool you.