Noticed through personal experience your coworker ladies are open to being asked out during Thanksgiving week. They tend to be extra pretty too. I've whistled at (cat called) the hot ones at work (and customers) and they like it. It's like a scene out of the movie Ted.
I want to take a crap on the restroom floor this year...but I'm open to some other ideas for this Thanksgiving weekend/Christmas season. My goal is to ... 1) piss off management 2) video record the event 3) make some money from youtube by getting lots of subscription hits 4) reasonably avoid getting c...
Clerks are being taught to look for empty spots and go fill product instead of just take a wheel out on the floor and fill it. A few hours later spot is empty and scan show 1 being sold that day. Not talking about grocery or drug gM.
I think it was odd that a few customers asked about store hours and if there was a body on site all night long. I keep getting asked that. Customer's planing a heist? To the spell checker that frequently tunes in: **** off. This isn't ****en school.
Does anyone know what happens if you were to step down from your current title to take a different position, can they cut your pay or would you be "locked in" at your old pay rate? I'm so burnt out in my current position but can't afford to lose my dept head pay. As crazy as it sounds i would love to be a Clickli...
Just wondering but customers are always calling the store "Krogers" instead of just Kroger and insist on calling a Kroger card a "Krogers card". I think its kinda weird. KAnyone else think so? I think its weird to add a letter to the name
Customer got really aggressive towards me because I denied a price guaranteed on a digital sale. Verbally insulted me in nasty tones and falsified stories for 20+ minutes after 25 minutes I demanded he stopped and left. Sorry but those are the rules. You are not an exception especially if youre an***...
So... I was looking in Express HR at some of my information and noticed that the job title is different. Previously, ASMs were listed as either ASST STORE LEADER HR, ASST STORE LEADER MERCH, or ASST STORE LEADER OPS. Now, ASMs are either listed as ASST STORE LEADER TM or ASST STORE LEADER HM. Im not sure...
I was in another Kroger store today and I walked around that store is allot bigger than where I worked. Not a Marketplace but big enough to be. 2 exit's you walk in one turn left to by floral then customer service then first self checkout's then checkout's then other set checkout's then other door. The ai...
My store is so screwed. Night crew rant.They highered a night crew that barely shows up to work. You have one of six that does an amazing job and the rest are just flakes that barely show up to work if at all or do a lazy half assed job when here. I'm not night crew but I've often had half my shift cashiering hal...
Has anyone in other areas of Kroger heard about this? I told my FES that "hell no I am not paying"-I will wear the old tired worn out one I have had for several years. I would like a new one (I asked for two) and I told her this company is making billions a year and they can't afford to replace our apons?!? That'...
I found out that a couple of co-workers got suspended for just a few days. It got me curious as to how the whole process goes. Can anyone help me out here?
In the grand scheme of things that is probably the LAST issue Kroger needs to be worried about. How about more hours, better store staffing, getting rid of managers that harass employees for starters?!?
Now they are telling us front end people we can't put the small carts all the way to the back that we have to pull them up front "so the customers don't have to walk to get them." We do NOT provide valet service-what is wrong with taking 5 seconds to grab a small cart?!?
We have a 'volunteer sign up sheet' to work Thanksgiving. And yes, I do know that they can STILL schedule you EVEN IF you don't sign up. Therefore I wrote that I would ONLY be able to work a 9am-1pm shift ONLY (as I have FAR MORE important plans that day later on). So who is working? Can they force you to work b...