I was just hired about 2 and a half weeks ago. They really didnt give me any formal training on the register so I feel like im running blind. They have only scheduled me to work 2 days so far and they are spaced so far apart that Im afraid im going to forget what ive learned so far. I pretty much have it down as fa...
Yay! i found me a nice dark little corner to creep into and not be japped out by management every 5 minutes!! YAY!!!!! (I only make 7.25 an hour and nothing i work with is lightweight, and they want it out NOW! can you really blame me for hiding? lol).
Wanna know how it goes? We're given a set amount of hours/dep./month to jockey around with. Think about it. If you had over fifty employees who's lives were in your hands and you had to make the call on how much food was going to go in their mouths, would you want that responsibility? So, what happens is I d...
Just announced yesterday that our new store mgr. at #687 in Batesville AR will be Scott Moore, co-mgr. at store #479 in Mississippi. He will be in-store on May 2nd. Does anyone out there know him? How does he manage...his philosopy....employee relations skills....anything? Thanks.
I am a minor and just got promoted from bagger to groercy clerk last week. I didn't get much for training at all. The only things they thought me were milk,eggs,water,bread. Then they give me 8 hour shift to do this and get mad once I have nothing to do since you can't really stay busy for 8 hours just with th...
It's been 3 months and I finally got taught how to run a powerjack and also no one told me what a "dry mop" was so I looked like a f***ing idiot in front of my bosses. Thanks guys for all your "help", Bull****ers.
I work with a woman who runs to the union anytime she doesn't approve of the hours I have or the job I'm scheduled to do. A co-worker was scheduled to work in the deli and she got pissed because she wasn't scheduled to work in the deli. So my supervisor accomodated her by scheduling her to work in the deli....
How long does it usually take to get promoted to Market Manager once you are officially trained? I am completely trained for Market Manager and they keep telling me I will replace the Assistant Market Manager but they keep dragging their feet on moving him up when there are Market Manager positions av...
I was told by the end of the month that the Meat Department is going to have to start hanging their own tags in lunchmeat. It seems like they keep adding more and more stuff to our list of things to do, but claim those hours are in our hours. Well, I am going to the union meeting at the end of the month to see what...
I started working at kroger in july 2011 when I was 15 years old, turning 16 a month after I started. I started off as a bagger for the first year. Then when the flower tent opened the summer on 2012, they had me work out in the tent. After the tent closed, I was moved to floral permanently. I have been working...
hello. I'm a new hire and will be working in the loss prevention department as a security guard. Im not sure of the name of the actual position's title. Anyway i have orientation next week and was just curious as to what i will be doing and any advice would be appreciated. Is there a uniform? Am i completel...
I've been with the company for a total of 3 years. I have been in the fuel center. A lady who worked at speedway for 12 years started last week and was left in charge while our boss went on vacation this week. She's been messing everything up and I've had to fix it. Coorprate came while she was here and she got...
So I have been called in for a interview. Went well. Next day got a phone call and said I got the job for Deli clean. Like three days later went up there and did the drug test. I know 100% I passed because I dont do drugs. I guess next is the background check. Its been a week in 2 days and still have not heard back f...
Devoted 24 years!! Moved from one state to another to be with my family and have HURT ever since. See my list of 24 years of faithful there all the time and NEVER noticed. 1. Lost seniority 2. Lost my pay by $4.00 an hour (bills never changed) 3. Lost my Sick Days, Personal Time and Vacation Time by 2 weeks 4....
Easter Sunday I was working in the deli and the lasy who was to come in and help close at 1:30 called in sick. We got the call shortly before 8 a.m., well before the two hour minimum required. So we have well over 5 hours notice yet they called noone else in. Ok I know not too many people are going to come in o...