I just recently began working at a kroger in Cincinnati, OH. I have a few general questions that they didn't go over in orientation or on my first actual day
1. When do we get paid? Where do we go to get the check?
2. How long after I start working will I recieve my first check? I started on a Saturday, whic...
I worked at Kroger over 2 and a half years. One year as a bagger and the rest as a cashier. I was not terminated/discharged but I was asked to resign. I was told that by resigning I'd leave on good terms and also would not have a termination/discharge on my record. So does this mean I am rehireable or not nece...
I start training saturday and i have some questions, i will be a bagger. 1.Do they pay you for training? 2.When they pay you can you cash your check there? 3.What is traning about, and how long is it?
my store has 4 usless baggers that can''t do anything but bag 2 of them are slow and elderly and the other 2 are slow and short and don't bag well at all and none of them can or will do charts and the latter 2 only work 4 hour shifts
In my union contract, there is a provision that states: "When scheduling two (2) or more employees for less than an 8 hour shift for a similar assignment in the same classification, there shall be a lapse of at least two (2) hours between shifts." I've asked several people about how to inter...
Is this happened at your store? This flim flammer looks for new cashiers or the young ones. He gives them like a $20.00 bill and confuses them by saying didn't I give you a 50? I know that sounds easy to catch. They know how to do this and say more than just that to get the cashier distracted. One man came in an...
According to the contract in our area which is Oakland County Michigan, Meat Processor is a full time position at Kroger. Apparently they do not hire part time Meat Processors. So I wanted to know if anyone works in my area and can tell me what shifts are available. The stores around here are not 24 ho...
After 2 and a half years we finally have a contract proposal. The union has given us three days notice for the ratification vote. There is one meeting for the vote. I just can't believe they can't have more than one meeting. There is no way everyone can rearrange their schedule to attend. Don't they wor...
I had to break down a 400+ frozen order today (today's order+what the other guy didn't get put away yesterday.) A normal order usually runs about 50 to 60 pieces. The orders for yesterday and today were already big due to Thanksgiving but they added out over 100 pieces of Christmas items on both days...
I just got hired two months ago and I feel like I'm one of the top 5 baggers already. The rest of the baggers either have a bad attitude or bad work ethic. When I first started, I was doing a lot of favors for them. But now when I need a favor, no one gives a **** to fill my shoes on the carts for like 50 minutes whil...
I started at krogers in September as a front end cashier. They did my first review late, about 1 1/2 months of being there. Everything was good except that they said I had one customer complaint and that was that "I didn't talk much and didn't smile". They proceeded to say that I didn't intera...
Instead of changing out my till as had been practice under my old boss my new boss pulled the just the big bills and a bunch of twenties between customers. He had me do no sale-cash and open the drawer for him. I know I have the right to count my till between customers but we were slammed. Later one of the f...
I just have a little beef about customers that come in 5-15 minutes before close. They expect us to stay open just for them even though we come up to them and tell them "pay now or leave." We usually make a P.A. system announcement for the last 30 minutes, the last 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minu...
I put in my two week notice two weeks ago. I didn't hear a single thing from the management about my resignation after a year and a half of working at Kroger, which is a bit odd. I'm resigning due to health issues. Last time I did, I did for the same reason, however after the two weeks, the called me back the da...