As some of us recall, this site was unfortunately trashed out by a person or two who thought it was cute to put various forms of SPAM on here. I took it upon myself to contact this website and to become the moderator. In doing so, I deleted any inappropriate threads / postings made. The purpose of this th...
I sent the EEOC a huge box of back up documentation to prove my claim and they promptly sent it back to me six months ago. Now, a week ago, I get a letter which states their position on the matter (which by the way has nothing to do with my alligations).. and I'm supposed to respond within 3 days?? They had a YE...
Management at my store (michigan) have been cutting hours and stating that there cannot hire new people because there are no hours to give them. So our department like others has had to do more with less labor. Yet I come to work today and there are signs everywhere saying that next wednesday my store...
So I start my orientation Wednesday. I was told I would be doing stuff on the computer before actually working in produce. Are these learning classes or something ? How long does the computer training last ? Is there more to produce than just stocking ? I am just wondering what to expect.
Just wondering if anyone else out there has recently taken a beating on their retirement. These are some highlights of what we got recently The Level Income Option and the Level Income 50% Husband and Wife Annuity will be eliminated. The 55/30 Pension will be eliminated. The Plan will reduce the pens...
1. Exactly what buttons do I press for the 5% employee discount when ringing up customers who are also employees? 2. How do I void an item that scanned twice? 3. How do a print-out if the customer just wants to check the items before I get to the total?
According to the Hr site, my next payraise is set to begin on the 23rd of this month. Since the 23rd is on a Tuesday will my raise begin on the Sunday before or the next week?
I'm a new employee with Kroger. I had two days of orientation last week, and I offically worked for 2 days which should give me a total of 23 paid hours. I setup Direct Deposit last night via Express HR. Do you think my check will be deposited into my checking account on this coming Thursday, or will I recei...
Heres my take on the production planning tool in the meat department..1st cut, 2nd cut, 3rd reality there is only one cut, and it last all day long and we usually dont get finished, next, there is no way in hell you can walk out on the sales floor and take inventory of each package of meat in the case...
On the reports, I always have by far the highest items per minute average (around 33 usually)..but I never seem to get first. Usually I'm around 5th at about 85-90% and can't figure out why im not up there. Our manage told us that securing the order (nosale+signoff) makes your time go way down, and if I'...
I worked at Kroger when I was 18. I am now almost 21. I resigned after being asked to after I used my kroger card on a customers purchase (I didnt have an associate discount and never used kroger gas stations). I had an interview at Kroger another Kroger today in a different part of town and they did my drug t...
Now ive been working at a Krogers Company for a month, the first 3 weeks were fine everything went fine nothing went wrong. Now for the past week and a half my manager has been coming to me or having someone come to me that is not in the line of authority, pulling me aside and telling me that two customers fro...
I recently returned to work from a medical leave. I would have returned a month ago; howver, due to restrictions and because it wasn't a work related injury, I had to wait for my next appointment. I decided to forgo any further restrictions other than limited hours after a discussion with my GM so I woul...
I have been trying all day. Had trouble this morning logining in the great people site. I got in and have been checking for about 3 hours once an hour and next week scedule not posted. They need to get it up or I will give them a failing grade on Key Retailing. It is posted at work but I would like to print it out...
Can anyone give me pointers on what to do? I'm a full-time cashier, and I just found out I was pregnant. I don't want to do anything to harm the baby, but can't afford to stop work.
Ok, so a co-worker of mine requested today off because she's going on vacation next week. She got Saturday off, but not today. She called in this morning and said she couldn't come in, so I was called in early instead. What's the policy on that? I always thought that a request was just that - a request, and...